The Doctor Monkey shirt is finally available to buy! Also the "Lights" version of the
Cowboy Killers shirt will be discontinued on Friday, as well as the asphalt option. So there!
Update: There was a problem with the Gildan option on the Doctor Monkey shirts, but it is fixed now.
Yay America! Now let's get to work on solving these unsolvable problems.
I just realized that I had missed the past month and a half of overcompensating, since the rss feed I was using broke with the server move. Ooops.
So, I'm going back through the archives, having a gleeful time, but broken links are being found! Like at this page, the 'next' button goes to the same URL, so I have to keep reading the same comic over and over again. I've been reading it for 3 hours now!
Another one is the 'promo' link on the main overcompensating page - it goes to /promo, which looks exactly the same as the non-/promo page...
Also, there's no 'real' way to contact you... I could e-mail 'webmaster', but that's just no fun, and will probably end up in the wrong place anyway.
Finally! My quest is complete!
And now I'm caught up to now, and I realize that you're redoing the links and we're supposed to be patient and I wasn't and I'm sorry and I'll never do it again.
Go for the ebola!
Doctor Monkey isn't just disapproving in panel eight, he's downright terrifying.
I hope Doctor Monkey never knows what I did.
Uh, ripsaw...
I would bet that middle-class people, in fact, did build those machines. They probably also designed them. Rich people commision middle-class people to design these things, and then believe them when they say they work.
That being said, this is hugely stupid. Normally I would attribute this kind of thing to technophobia, but these machines are untested. I'm a web designer so I know how bad things like this can fuck up. A midterm would have been the perfect opportunity to test the accuracy of the voting machines and then come 2008 no-one would have a thing to say about them. (If they worked, that is.)
heh, IF they worked...
you know, actually, i would be willing to be that far enough down the line, those machines ARE built by poor people. poorer, even, than pretty much anybody living in america.
i couldn't find any actual sources about where the things are made, but personally i've never heard of a computing device that was actually built on our continent. i'm positive that diebold has those things built somewhere in southeast asia for pennies an hour.
if you want to buy your own VOTING ACCESSORIES, however, you can go here:
hahaha. dear god, what a stupid company.
Have you actually used the voting machines?
Someone's been reading Lucky Cow...
My wife and I agree that you draw the best 'dissapointed' facial expressions on the interwebs. My absolute favorite was when you dropped your immortality-corndog. The eyebrows say it all.
Thanks Matt! I guess I should be pretty familiar with that expression by now in my life!
That face is good. Made me laugh.
Oh Doctor Monkey! What is in your little bag you're draggin'?
That's the most ashamed face I've ever seen on Jeffrey!!! Doctor Monkey sure can pierce a soul with his eyes...
wonder what has dr. Monkey got in his dodgy bag?!
That is not a dodgy bag. Also, monkeys laugh like "hoo hoo hoo!" Monkeys are funny.
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