
I read a couple of comic blogs this weekend that were very entertaining! The Comics Curmudgeon offers critical analysis of the latest drug-related Mary Worth story, and The Silent Penultimate Panel Watch is a sonogram for those next-to-last panel pregnant pauses.
I want a go!
"My friends and I will violently assault you solely due to the acronym we have chosen for our radio station."
WKYA (Will Kick Your Ass) - Redman
Oh man I was totally inspired by the alt text and personal hatred to make this. I suppose it is outside linking, but dudes, What Would Weedmaster P Do?
Radiowar's winning so far.
"Los Angeles is a dangerous place!"
Welcome to the Jungle- GnR
"We will rock you"
Queen- We Will Rock You
"Crescendos are Extremely Awesome"
Every Post-Rock Band Ever
Emergency Services are funny!
Arise! Lay, lay prone!
Emergency Services are funny,
In our urban home!
911 is a Joke, P.E.
don't mean to bust your bubble
but girls of the world ain't nothing but trouble
so next time a girl gives you the play
just remember my rhyme, just remember my rhyme
take heed to my rhyme and get the hell away
Act Five, Scene Two of Othello by William Shakespeare (condensed)
2 Live Crew, man.
This might be the new "songs in list format".
"While my artistic contributions have been marginalized of late, their quality has not declined. My mother suggests that I defeat you with fisticuffs; I intend to defeat you with fisticuffs."
"I have no quarrel with having intercourse with you. However, I take umbrage with you failing to do so. I will provide for you, seeing as that you claim to have bourne my offspring. We are both fully aware this is prevarication."
- Got Your Money, ODB
I am the greatest person in history.
Jay-Z (pick any song at random)
Lately people have been having conversations which they consider purposeful. However, this is not the case; their discourse is nonsensical because they have forsaken Dr. Dre and are, incidentally, copulating with their mothers.
"If you insist on not paying my employed lady-of-the-night, I will engage you in physical combat. Incidentally, I am from Memphis, where this occurs all the time. Rest assured you will pay."
--Whoop That Trick, DJay
"Arise! [Rise up right now]
Arise! [Rise up right now]
Remain in this locality as though you were a fornication automaton."
Get up (I feel like being a) Sex Machine - James Brown
Alright, that wasn't so much a deconstruction as a paraphrase, so here:
"I am an extremely creepy stalker"
Every breath you take - The Police
"My nonsensical rhyming skills are unparalleled" - any song by Beck
Driving my automobile down the avenue, Smoking and inhaling incredibly intoxicating cannibus, Slowly and precariously ingesting a mixture of alcohol and fruit juices, Lost in thought about my financial matters.
-Snoop Dogg, Gin and Juice
"Remain in this locality as though you were a fornication automaton"
haha "Fornication Automaton."
For the record I am approximately 1/16 African.
If you go far enough back J-Ro we're _all_ African.
And no, that wasn't rap, although I could make it into one if you'd like.
"X is uninterested in you reaching a conclusion unaided and will actively seek you out in hopes of enlightenment."
DMX - X Gonna Give It To Ya
Damn I'm enjoying this thread!
yes, yes, yes, yes
deliver it to me immediately,
deliver it to me immediately
I'd very much like to dra-dra-dra-drag my tongue from your skull to your heels,
and I'd also like very much to migrate our activities from the davenport to the substratum,
and further more, oh, oh, you are so actively skilled at creating this, as you do, I daren't fly.
But I must di-di-di-discover what's your secret desire.
What's your fantasy - Ludacris
:( I got to the party late. I want to make a poem/song too.
Perhaps I am astonished and the affection you show to me constantly.
Mayhaps I am fearful of the emotional display I make for you.
Lady-person I am alarmed at the way you displace my temporal function.
Maybe I'm Amazed-Paul McCartney
"I catch slow kids and set them on fire."
"hour of the mallet"
"This fellow is attestant to this (Indeed)"
vast spances matching or exceeding the distance twixt galaxies,
in a manner of or limited to a single stellar globe
an additional plane of existence
bid me not to look gaily upon you
should you remain present, positive returns will be administered by myself
I have integers beyond your capacity to input
perhaps this is due to my adaptibility...
Beastie Boys - Intergalactic
At this moment, ladies
We're going to pause to let this song come to a climax.
Do not make me pause my vocalizations to make sure you're utilizing this time in a manner I find enjoyable.
I would like to see you perform sexually suggestive acts.
Act in a manner that is pleasing.
Pretend you know me well.
Let this proceed.
Gyrate. (x5)
Gyrate.(x 5)
Gyrate as if you were an outdated method of instant photography.
Hey Ya-Outkast
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