OC for Monday
Overcompensating for Monday will probably be up late in the evening. I have just officially seceded from Oklahoma and am partially situated in an undisclosed location in Northwest Oklahoma City known as "Oklahoma Parish". Apparently secession means the inter nets are all fussy acting in your new room. A team of experts is being dispatched to the catacombs where the inter net wires go. We suspect demons have gnawed through the inter nets but we are scientists, musicians, and heretics; we are not in any way to be mistaken for experts.
We have a flag and a cat and we know how to use them. We are digging a hole to the moon.>
We have a flag and a cat and we know how to use them. We are digging a hole to the moon.>
Moon holes for the win.
I don't know what the FUCK you just said, but it's special man.
dude you are hillarious. keep making Overcompensating even if it means you have to build a protective dome made up of badass to protect Oklahoma from the floods that once swallowed atlantis and other possible threats! 'cause everyone knows badassery saves the day.
I'm a fan of digging holes to the Moon. No one sees it coming, and when you are on the Moon you can drop water ballons on people and laugh.
Your lack of a connection will undoubtably disapoint the G0I Jeff.
Haha, I'm just curious how you posted this, since the supposed reason for the delayed update is lack of internet access. :-p
i have a cat. his name is captain jack. he's cross eyed and handsome "in that special kind of way" as according to his former owner.
do they have inter nets on the moon? atlantis was sunk by the same demons that chew through inter nets. inter nets were the only thing keeping atlantis afloat
You might want to use less "cat" and more "flag" when you're digging. I've found that cats are a bit too squishy to be proper digging implements.
You just forgot to let rigamortis set it. After that, you're golden.
DUDE! Now that you live in a parish you should totally get the Pope to declare you Holy Ramblebubbleblah Emperor (Ramblebubbleblah being the only sound he can make these days).
Much fast way to world domination is to be Emperorified!!!
You might want to use less "cat" and more "flag" when you're digging. I've found that cats are a bit too squishy to be proper digging implements.No no no you see cats does their own diggin to bury after they've pooped so all you hafta do is get an eternally poopin cat an then they'll keep diggin an they'll get to the moon in no time but there'll be a lot of poop so you better wear your poop-shoes.
I hear you can get poop shoes on Amazon these days, but obviously with demons eating your inter net this might be tricky.
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