
25 March 2005

The Fairy of Actual Nickels

Project Catcoon has been abandoned following the discovery of a two popsicle sticks, arranged ever so delicately in a crucifix formation, smoldering on the front lawn.

Have a good Jesus Re-Animator weekend!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh, that's why you don't mess with ANY fairy. They ALL have boyfriend fairies, and they are all patrons of something violent.

25/3/05 16:09  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And just so you don't have to, I did the math.

That's 833 seperate occasions that Jeff saw an old woman yelling at a dog, which may or may not include the most current one.

25/3/05 16:13  
Blogger Tracie said...

Jeff, have you been wandering my neighborhood again? Just so happens we have a resident crazy woman who yells at her's really quite amusing. So, how can I get in touch with this fairy...she owes me!

25/3/05 16:53  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff, this comic made me laugh so much that eventually it felt like someone injected novacane into my skull... but that went away when it suddenly felt like i had smacked my head off the edge of the desk. welcome back!

25/3/05 17:04  
Blogger josh said...

Way to go, Ben. If you had let your cursor rest on the image for a second, you would have seen that Jeff already did the math.

25/3/05 22:02  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That fairy looks like an ex girl "friend" I had. You can read what you want into those quotes but she was cute fun, a little pixie, and had a trendy coke habit I couldn't break her from.

25/3/05 22:21  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be too worried about the boyfriend. That guy is sort of a fairy.

26/3/05 20:52  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

but-tocks! *giggle*

27/3/05 00:52  

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