
19 April 2005

Chill With Your Old Lady

Friends are good to have! Oh, did you know the Tinkle family is back in Wigu? Yeah, my "main comic" now is just called "Wigu." It it only a word, and a little boy.

Speaking of t-shirts, if you are waiting on T-shirts, I am told a fairly large shipment is going out this week.

Also today is the 10th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, which many of you may remember and I was pretty close to. I just want to remind you that there's more to be afraid of than the government wants you to be afraid of. Like, there is so much to be afraid of that there's really no point in being afraid at all. I think it is better to die suddenly and happily than old and afraid. Be happy and friendly, but watch your ass.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what does "fag hag" mean? is that condescending to her? or to jeff? or to the crabs?

19/4/05 15:10  
Blogger jeffrey rowland said...

"Fag Hag" is an extremely unacceptible way to refer to a woman who hangs out exclusively with homosexual men.

19/4/05 15:18  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I the only guy approaching 50 who reads your stuff, or are there lots of us? This is how I stay hip to the younger generation. (Now where did I put my teeth? Are you listening, Wigu?)

19/4/05 15:35  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Jeffrey, it's great to have the Tinkles back! Looking forward to lots of great comics, unless of course you die on April 23, which would be a bummer. Cheers!

19/4/05 16:08  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jeffrey she is making fun of you! if shes a fag hag then you're a fag! ha ha! fag!

jeffrey is GAY MAN!

(read that in a german exchange student accent, in honor of the new german pope (papum))

19/4/05 16:24  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have a concern; weedmaster p's eyes are not bloodshot. this strikes me as incredibly unusual and i must ask what is going on

19/4/05 16:24  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's obviously used all his weed to make that shirt.

19/4/05 16:27  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeffrey I don't want you to die. Buy some chips and hang out in the hospital on saturday. You can't die when you are surrounded by doctors.

19/4/05 16:29  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeffery, I think I need to have that crabs shirt. I also think I know several girls that need that Hag shirt. Sell them.

19/4/05 16:32  
Blogger Student said...

JSYK: My birthday is also the 23rd. In a way I hope you don't die since it might make my birthday kind of a downer every year. On the other hand, it would kind of rule. I could then have my Birthday Party/Jeff Rowland Memorial Party. In fact the more I think of it, go ahead and die. It'll work out.

19/4/05 16:54  
Blogger Howlin' Hobbit said...

I am approaching 47. Is that like approaching 50?

Except I don't try to stay hip to the younger generation. I figure it's their job to stay hip to me.

19/4/05 17:08  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff, I think the brush lettering on Wigu looks really awesome. I like it a lot. I agree that it's nice to have the Tinkles back, but I was also enjoying MAIS. It will be good to see Paisley Tinkle, though, because I named my cat after her. The sadness has spread to my lungs!

19/4/05 17:35  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have a new pope. Pope Benedictine the 16th, also lovingly refered to by some friends of mine as Pope Palpatine.

19/4/05 17:56  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FH is not necessarily an entirely unacceptable way to refer to a woman who hangs out exclusively with gay guys. Some women take it on as a badge of pride - pride that doesn't score them many dates, but pride nonetheless. It's all up to how down she is with the irony thing.

Please feel free to assume everything based on how many fag hags I've known.

Also, I am really glad the Tinkles are back but I really hope MAiS isn't gone away forever. I think you should give up having a life at all (after you survive this weekend, so you have a life to give up in the first place) and draw OC, MAiS and Wigu, full-time. After that, you will be made to dance.

19/4/05 18:38  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need to get that Fag Hag shirt for a freind of mine, she'd dig it like a ditch. Also I am saddened that you did not get voted pope.

19/4/05 19:45  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My fiance looks 65-82% more do-able with her new Joanna OC t-shirt, cheers! How come everytime the Weedmaster comes to town people complain about his eyes? Leave the guy alone, he doesn't even know we're watching...

19/4/05 21:02  
Blogger Joel said...

Actually, most people die surrounded by doctors. Don't go to the hospital Jeffrey, no matter how much your guts hurt.

19/4/05 21:49  
Blogger josh said...

Making "Magical Adventures in Space" into its own comic was like making a cake entirely out of frosting.

19/4/05 22:25  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I fear the new Pope almost as much as the Hitler Youth.

19/4/05 22:30  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who, after all, should be afraid of an 80-year-old "strictly conservative" ex-Nazi who calls himself a "simple, humble worker" after becoming Pope?

Having Wigu back certainly is interesting, since I first discovered JeffR's comics during the "final" 3 Wigu comics. This has certainly be a rollercoaster ride. I wonder if they will be divided up into "days" that last "years" again?

By the way, in todays OC... I don't think Baby has any pants on.


20/4/05 00:04  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think Wigu is really back. Did you not see the intro to the storyline? They're just watching a reality TV show. Those rarely last more than a season, and the individual episodes usually are only an hour.

MAiS is here to stay.

20/4/05 00:22  
Blogger xtraplanetary said...

I do not trust the new Pope. Re-evangelizing Europe? Glad I'm not in Europe! tee-hee. Also, Benedictine... reminds me of Benedict Arnold. Will the new pope be a traitor to the Catholic Faith like Benedict Arnold was a traitor to the USA? *wide-eyed*

20/4/05 00:33  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, jeff, you need to do something special for tomorrow, because it's National Pot Day, 4/20, and all. I'll leave the decision making up to the man in charge.

20/4/05 00:33  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we're going to turn J.R. into a twenty four hour comic making machine, then I demand the return of Science Cop as well.

"Another Mystery Solved With Science!" It just sounds so cool.

20/4/05 02:12  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if anybody should make "fag hag" t-shirts it should be margaret cho.

20/4/05 03:09  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree with what josh said.

20/4/05 03:09  
Blogger jeffrey rowland said...

what josh said is actually the most accurate thing I've heard in a month

20/4/05 03:21  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad that we europeans elected a new pope that is just as good as the american king, geo W bush, and am looking forward to his kicking some american ass...

20/4/05 03:59  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just totally challenged this Benedict guy to a match, smacked him over the head with a folding chair, and won the Pope Belt! My first act is to change Saturday to "Wildcatday" (for this week only)!

(My second act is to declare the new national anthem of Texas to be Styx' "Plexiglas Toilet")

Pope Wildcat XYZ

20/4/05 06:49  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanted to drop a line.... umm wishing Weedmaster a happy april 20th.

He'll know what i mean.

20/4/05 11:03  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff, this is Ratzo, aka Pope Benedict XVI. Listen, I gots to have one of those "girl I'm with has crabs" shirts for the new Grand Inquisitor. It'll crack him up totally. And, uh, Wildcat? That was the Vatican Janitor you hit with the folding chair yesterday. We were all wondering why you did that. Well, back to unifying all the christian churches into one. Don't forget the shirt.

20/4/05 12:27  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LIES!IMPOSTER! I AM POPE BENTDICK 16!! HE LIES! and that was actually my sister that u hit with a chair u ass! god's gunna get some serious hurtage on yo' ass!! i uhh mean, jesus loves you.

20/4/05 13:07  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps Mr. Rowland's death will be somehow related the return of the Tinkles. WIGU fans among us recall the whole situation from last year. Maybe this is the culmination of some artistic self-destructive tendancy?


20/4/05 13:10  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everything you post is so well written and hilarious, I do not even care what you want to draw. It's all good.

20/4/05 14:56  
Blogger Unknown said...

You need to make that POT shirt. I like how it doesn't really promote or put down the drug (assuming it's talking about the drug at all), it just sorta puts it in peoples' heads.

20/4/05 15:54  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How close do you have to be to 50 to be "approaching 50"? Does rocketing away from 35 count?

20/4/05 20:07  

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