Horny Honky

I trust you all had a firm, round weekend. I saw a car the other day with "HONK IF UR HORNY" written on the back in shoe polish. While I consider it somewhat crass to publicly admit one's horniness, the situation presented something of a conundrum -- is it more dignified to lie and ignore the Code of Crude Shoe Polish Queries, or to admit your own horniness to other motorists? I still wonder if I made the right choice. It may haunt me to the grave.
I'm not even going to explain how hard it was to get those GTA San Andreas shots in this comic; it is embarrassing.
The Death Countdown continues though I am ignoring it today. Five more days.
are you honking your own horn there mr. rowland?
I missed the Tinkles too <3
Man, I miss my copy of San Andreas.
I hope I find it.
Driving naked, after a weekend with that lady from Friday night...
...he honked...
also, using GTA:SA shots for your background... friggin awesome dude!
we gamers/comic geeks gotta stick together!
Also, loved the Maro Bros/Sin City strips. that was great... two of the best from their prospective medium combined into one... genius!
well... I think the "honk if horny" is sort of a rhetorical question.
I saw this guy walking down the street today and his shirt said 'horn if you're honkey'
I saw a Saturn the other day with "It's A LEMON" on all three back windows. THey used the same stuff they use for racing stripes.... it was very impressive.
jeff, you used a camera to take those pictures - of a TV screen. Didn't you?
Wigu Tinkle IS a young J. Ro. Just compare this comic with the first new Wigu comic...look at their hair...almost an exact match as to the pattern of upward-and-downward-pointing hair spikes.
any chance you could make it so i can see wigu? i tryed to get there but got a blue "ACCESS DENIED - Profanity" screen.. stupid work not letting us look at what we want "This page (site) you are attempting to contact has been categorised as containing
language (profanity) that may be in breach of the blah blah blah" any chance of wacking a space in the word or something?
There has never been cussin on wigu.com. Your company is a bunch of pussies.
MY company thinks that penny arcade is a porno site.
Soooo...how will we know if you've died? It's not like you're going to log in and make a post. "Hey everyone, I died. Bummer eh? Here's a comic about it."
Shall we just assume, should new comics stop appearing, that you've died? Or will you allow someone else close to you to post that you've died? Maybe you should make a comic about it for them to post beforehand.
I'm giving explicit instructions to give to my roommates/friends here to let them know what to do in the event of my passing.
These instructions will be burned in the event I should survive until Sunday.
must study... procrastinating by reading comics online... unprepared for scary midterms... going to study now.
That is a very spacious car interior you have there. It must be quite luxurious.
Well you know "luxury" to a man in Rwanda is not worrying about waking up to a man shoving a gun in his wife's face one night
Jeffrey Rowland wrote:
"There has never been cussin on wigu.com. Your company is a bunch of pussies."
I'm guessing it's because Wigu yelled 'Rape!' when Romy tried to get a look at his unbrushed teeth. So you are correct, Jeff, the company that fellow works for is quite dweeby.
Hahahaha, the punchline in today's wigu made me laugh so hard. You are the best, Jeff. I hope you don't die.
I think the only cussing on wigu.com is "ass" in the disclaimer at the bottom. And if your company's computer can't handle some ass, then its nothing more than a fancy calculator who doesn't know how to have fun.
I'm going to go ahead and say that I really loved Magical Adventures in Space. I miss it, Jeffrey. I MISS IT.
I just had to say that.
Tips for preparing a living will...A living will is a legal document that provides directives for your medical care in the event that you are physically unable to express them. Here are some things to keep in mind while creating a living will:
It's important to have a lawyer present when you draft a living will, as it makes the desire to be dead that much more tangible.
Specify which flavor of feeding-tube nutrient you prefer. Otherwise, you may get stuck with cream of mushroom day in and day out.
If, in the event of a catastrophic brain injury, you wish to be taken off life support and kept out of the guardianship of your overprotective Catholic parents, underline those directives over and over with a thick red pen and then highlight them in bright yellow.
Leave at least one reasonably flattering photo for the press. This point cannot be emphasized enough.
Explain in no uncertain terms that, should you die and return as a zombie, loved ones must shoot you in the head without hesitation.
Research medical life-support technology and specify whether you'd prefer to be hooked up to a Danninger Continuous Passive Motion device, an Emerson suction unit, or a Slushee machine.
Comatose people have been shown to exhibit a brainstem-level response to music, so prepare a decade's worth of mix tapes in advance.
A living will is a great way to meet a notary public, if notaries public are your thing.
A health-care agent is the person assigned to make your medical decisions in the event you are unable to. A talented, aggressive health-care agent will score you the absolute best medical care available, but will charge you a 15- to 20-percent commission.
Telling your friends while you're drunk that it would suck to be on life support doesn't constitute a living will. Make sure to write it on the back of a coaster.
Don't underestimate how quickly your family, including your beloved wife and two cherubic children, will tire of the burden you will become.
If you choose to remain on life support indefinitely, make sure your family is legally restricted from dressing you up as a corporate mascot and renting you out for parties.
Jeff is clearly masturbating in panel 2, so why not just go ahead and honk?
ARGH IT BURNS MY EYES!!! I just saw a car with one of those peeing Calvin things, only he was kneeling before a cross instead of peeing. OMG it's a new internet comic - Calvin and Gawd. What Would Calvin Do? Well, he'd pee on it, or maybe nail 95 feces to it.
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