
15 April 2005

So Awkward

Wow, that week went by fast. It was all like woosh!

The good thing about thinking you are gonna die on a particular day is that you can be as reckless as you want to up until that day. You better believe I'm gonna be going buck wild until next Saturday, at which time I will be extremely careful.

The word "awkward" is just awkward-looking, isn't it. It is the perfect word.

I wish you a firm, round weekend.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm trying to decide if the mug says "mead", which would make perfect sense, or "meat". A mugful of meat would be odd. Delecious and tender, but odd.

15/4/05 13:23  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why thank you, I enjoy my weekends curvacious.

15/4/05 13:25  
Blogger Mike Vogts said...

Man you picked up Psylocke in a bar? That's awesome.

15/4/05 13:37  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is it just me, or is Psylocke holding a firehose?

15/4/05 13:44  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who's that on Jeff's t-shirt? Johnny Knoxville? Colin Farrell? Some other scruffy dude?

15/4/05 14:49  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like Jared Leto.

15/4/05 14:52  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that awkward is an awkward word. Thank you for still updating and all that jazz even though you're buck wild and dying.

Say hi to Mitch! Tell him I want to have his ghost baby.

15/4/05 14:56  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man you picked up Psyduck in a bar? That's awesome.


15/4/05 14:58  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! Somebody actually knows my theme song! (The alternate title is The Mighty Quinn)

Jeff, don't be too careful on your death day or you'll end up with one of those really ironic deaths where all the precautions you take end up collapsing on you and you suffocate or something.

15/4/05 15:39  
Blogger Leo said...

Man, you picked up Shylock in a bar? That's awesome.

15/4/05 15:50  
Blogger Richard said...

Man, you picked up Shylock in a bar? That's awesome.

"Pound of flesh? I thought you said 'Pound the flesh'!"

Or something.

15/4/05 16:19  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if anyone has thought about it much, but what if Jeff goes buck wild gets in a horrible near death accident, and dies on the 23rd due to a result of his injuries.
That would really hurt me, because it would both kill Jeff, and ruin his buck wild pre-death escapades.

15/4/05 16:57  
Blogger jeffrey rowland said...

Nice eyeballs on the Jared Leto - it is him!

15/4/05 17:29  
Blogger Paul said...

How ironic it would be if fate played a trick on you and you died during doing some of that buck wild stuff :)

15/4/05 17:50  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mug says Meat because Jeff loves his biblical references.

As unto little ones in Christ, I gave you milk to drink, not meat -- 1 Cor. 3:1-2

15/4/05 17:53  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is that girl holding a hookah?
also i am marrying joanna newsom, AND she is going to prom with me

15/4/05 19:50  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come Jeff never "gets the freak on" with Baby? Does she not, as they say, "put out"?

15/4/05 20:13  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wondered that too, but she doesn't seem to have a problem with Jeff going out to "get his swerve on" with some skank in a bar.

15/4/05 22:16  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I got from reading this thread is the confused idea that:
1) Jeff picked up a jewish duck with "mental powers" who looks mysteriously like a human.
2) Jeff is an Eskimo, and his name is Quinn. (awesome song, btw)
3) Jeff is in Venice

And maybe the cup of meat is in reference to I doubt it, but maybe. What I really want to know is Who's on Jeff's shirt?

15/4/05 23:14  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"How come Jeff never "gets the freak on" with Baby? Does she not, as they say, "put out"?"

I prefer to think that Jeff just has the good taste not to show that in his comic. Despite all the Jeff-partial-nudity aspect, this is not a place to come looking for porn.

15/4/05 23:17  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please tell me she's holding a garden hose...... And not something like the Jolly Green Giant's.....

16/4/05 04:49  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, that chick is HOT.
I'd take her home, screw pandering to Baby!

16/4/05 06:28  
Blogger jeffrey rowland said...

Ironic in the classic sense would would be a life flight rescue helicopter crashing into the house and killing, and to have a more modern twist the helicopter is carrying an attempted suicide victim who survived his own suicide attempt and the crash against all odds and went on to have a sucessful career as a cartoonist.

16/4/05 13:52  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was laughing so loud and then i realised my housemates are still sleeping. jeff, you can't die cuz ur comic is too funny. unless you continue to write it as a zombie.

16/4/05 14:05  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the IRS is gonna kill you b/c you forgot your taxes. You'll have to ward them off with a cross and silver bullets. Believe me it works, but only after 11 PM.

16/4/05 19:24  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought it was a hookah. Maybe they're in Egypt?

17/4/05 01:11  
Blogger josh said...

Everybody's thinking it, but no one wants to say it, so I will.

Jeff, if something doesn't kill you on April 23rd, you're going to have to kill yourself. Otherwise, the whole world will know that you're a liar and never trust you again.

17/4/05 02:08  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's this theory floating around that both of them are dead, because they cast no reflection in the giant silver ball behind them. So obviously, vampires.

17/4/05 04:46  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I thought it was a hookah. Maybe they're in Egypt?"

If it is a hookah, then perhaps she is secretly a caterpiller.

Also I believe that Shakespeare's birthday was april 23rd; hmmmm dying on your birthday only good if Andrew WK is there for the party

17/4/05 12:42  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't put too much stock in dreams. I had a very vivid apocalyptic dream that linked the end of the world to the release of a League of Extraordinary Gentlemen movie (this back before the actual movie was even being made).
I was extra-cautious that day, and LXG tried its best to bring us all down, but in the end we survived it.

17/4/05 20:57  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i had a firm round weekend. thank you, jeffrey.

17/4/05 21:11  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I grabbed myself a big, heapin' handfull of that fine, firm, round weekend, and I did enjoy.

Course, I went into Overcompensating withdrawal and had to compensate with some WIGU archives, but I accidentally overcompensated.

17/4/05 23:47  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

must procrastinate... who's Psylocke?

18/4/05 00:34  
Blogger Jeff said...

Hurrah! New Wiguness!


18/4/05 01:23  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hurrah! New Wiguness and Tinkleness indeed!!!!!


(it's one better than rejoices!)

Seriously, though, from an anonymous coward lurker who's been loving Wigu and MAIS, it is quite heartening to see our pal Wigu again in strip form! Bravo!

18/4/05 02:16  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm voting Jared Leto

...for senate?

18/4/05 02:18  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hold on a second. I just read that "24 hour comic day" is April 23rd.

Coincidence, I THINK NOT!

18/4/05 09:40  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

on an unrelated note, I read somewhere you were considering making Tv Network Channel a subscription webcomic, and I read that with interest. Is this still an iron in the fire? Are american platypus, science cop et al going to be intergrated into MAIS, a la the Tinkles? I am a young mind with many questions. Questions that should maybe be sent via email, but im a public forum kinda guy.

18/4/05 12:31  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Questions, questions, questions, flooding into the mind of the concerned young person today. Ah, but it's a great time to be alive, ladies and gentlemen, and that's what the theme of our show is tonight. It's SO F***ING GREAT to be alive.

18/4/05 13:18  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its not a houka nor a caterpiller nor a garden hose. It's a damned velvet rope cant you see that she's trying to guide Jeff past it and on to the many pleasures that await inside?

18/4/05 15:41  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank u trusty inter net (?): she's an x-woman.

18/4/05 15:57  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I assumed that Psylocke was holding a beer bong made out of a garden hose. Goddamn drunken psychic mutants...

18/4/05 17:48  
Blogger Pentadact said...

I am deeply disturbed by this and the last comic. Jeff and Baby are surely an 'item'! Remember the "It's not what you think!" strip? Also that they live together. This seems to make Jeff a jerk, and by extension his exploits less interesting and amusing.

20/4/05 09:18  

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