
01 April 2005

I See Dead People

At the time of this publishing the Pope is still alive. Let's all hear it for the Pope. The Pope seems like a pretty big deal! I wonder if I can apply for his job.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You will need to be eligible to become a bishop. Hence, you will need to be ordained, thus scuppering your chances of marrying Baby. You will also need to get everyone to ignore that you are living in sin with her.

1/4/05 19:11  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is a task easier achieved than most would think.


1/4/05 19:18  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, if things went black and white when you died, I would so look forward to it...

1/4/05 19:19  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually, i have noticed more respects being paid to mitch than the feeding tube lady. is that a bad thing?

1/4/05 19:34  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm totally starting a death pool on the pope. Anyone want in?

1/4/05 19:59  
Blogger Dave Hoffman said...

Not after I lost the Hope or Pope deadpool.

1/4/05 20:09  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jro would make for a dope pope. And i mean that from the bottom of my heart.

1/4/05 20:36  
Blogger jeffrey rowland said...

"actually, i have noticed more respects being paid to mitch than the feeding tube lady. is that a bad thing?"

Mitch Hedburg made us laugh. All Terry Schiavo did was notice balloons.

1/4/05 20:41  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Terry is with Qetzocoatl now, fighting the Monkey, the Jaguar, and the eeeevil Jesus."

1/4/05 20:56  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*hugs dead Mitch*

1/4/05 22:49  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I care, Mitch. I care lots!

I had to break the news to lots of my inter nets friends after I first read about it here. The REAL NEWS SOURCE

Jeff, I plan to purchase some of your goods when I get more money. The process would speed up if people would tip the pizza delivery guy (aka Me) more. Thank you for your cooperation and currency.

2/4/05 01:18  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the Pope dies, does this mean "Pope My Ride" is going to be cancelled?

2/4/05 01:45  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ALSO: DUDE is Jeff and Mitch going to find ODB? COME ON MAN THEY'VE GOT TO FIND ODB

2/4/05 01:47  
Blogger Apelido Nym said...

Psh, the pope isn't dying. It is totally an april fools joke.

2/4/05 03:47  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know what I'd do if they didn't find odb. I also wonder if the catcoon can transend dimensons. What if the catcoon followed jeff into the netherworld and jeff, mitch, and odb had to fight it to get joanna back?

oh man.

2/4/05 05:13  
Blogger Jaron said...

I dedicated all my beer drinking to the Pope last night.

He won't die due to the fury and ferocity of my drinking of beer. He will live on.

2/4/05 15:13  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad, Jeff, I've already sent an email to the Vatican applying for Popeship. You can see it here if you want.

2/4/05 16:04  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, that link didn't work out very well. That URL again is:
I think you may find some of the ideas quite rockin'. Oh, and the Pope's officially dead now.

2/4/05 16:09  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that's hilarious because my friends and I were sitting around in school on Friday and kinda joking around with the Pope's state (we're not exactly strict Catholics) and then I brought up that I read on MTV news in 1st period that Mitch Hedburg died and we all got really sad.

I'll let you know how hell it. =)

2/4/05 16:39  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Pope is now dead :(

2/4/05 18:17  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

when am i going to get my t shirt? it feels like ages since i ordered it.

2/4/05 19:46  
Blogger John said...

luke: I want to say "no" so I am.

3/4/05 00:52  
Blogger Matthew said...

Mitch was awesome. but I went to the land of the dead (Sheol) and he was nowhere to be found. This is a total hoax! But then again, the Land of the Dead is a really big place, and I mainly visited the gift shop.

3/4/05 01:41  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CNN said that any baptized male can be nominated, but they'd have to be fasttracked to ordination and bishopy.

That, of course, means you have to be Catholic first.

3/4/05 01:47  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff if you become pope you should let me be your vice-pope. I would totally just drink all day and do nothing to help. But I would make everyone laugh with my drunken antics.

3/4/05 09:22  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't need to be a cardinal. Any priest can be pope. However, I don't think they've actually picked anyone but a cardinal in a bajillion danillion years.

3/4/05 22:42  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The thing about this is that the pope is pretty much guaranteed to get the best of whatever it is that people get after they die. Mitch, on the other hand, might not exactly be in favor with the great space lizards that run this show. This is what worries me.

4/4/05 02:37  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Jefffff,
You rock. Also, thanks for rocking and mentioning a great comedian that i don't think a lot of people have given enough respect to. Rock.
Your pal,
-Role Model

4/4/05 08:31  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You actually can be the Pope if you are Catholic. Any Catholic man is eligiable. If you aren't Catholic you will not be able to become Catholic in time though...

4/4/05 10:03  

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