Where Is Joanna?

Where is Joanna, anyway?
I'm switching to an actual distributor for distribution of merchandise from now on. The first wave of OC shirts should be in the mail, and the next wave are being migrated over to Vault Distribution. The transition process may lead to a few delays, but in a couple of weeks we will be shipping with near-surgical precision. I'm not going to specify the type of surgery or what country it's in.
Saw the new Gorillaz video by way of Kazu. Super fresh.
We were watching Headbanger's Ball the other night and I honestly think that all heavy metal videos should be animated instead of guys making mean faces playing their non-plugged-in electronic instruments out in the middle of the desert.
The Pope rides in much more style in the afterlife.
Also, thanks for the Gorillaz link, I am all excited for the new album now. -- jessie
JC never lends me his elephant... :(
I ran my cursor over the image and gave the pope a high-five.
Hey, that pope thing on the elephant is dare I say, very cute.
I just had the following conversation about this comic with my girlfriend.
Her: Explain it to me.
Me: Explain what?
Her: The comic.
Me: I thought it was pretty self-explanatory. The Pope is riding the elephant of Jesus.
Her: Yes, but an elephant?
Me: Why not?
Her: ...good question.
And isn't a good question? Why SHOULDN'T the Pope be riding JC's elephant?
I less than three Kazu
Oh my sweet lord. Jeff, any chance you need a Mexican mail order bride(Ok, so I'm half Mexican, still I live there, it counts)? The Pope on an elephant. Jesus's elephant. genius.
Certainly beats out the Popemobile, anyway.
And Kazu = teh awesome.
I agree with you about heavy metal videos.
And I'm a huge heavy metal fan.
I'll second that. I live to hit the metal hard but I think there hasn't been a good metal video since Meat Loaf made a bunch but wasn't actually heavy metal.
DUDE! Some friends linked me over here because I'm such a Mitch Hedberg fan. Now I've scanned back and I can't believe I wasn't already reading this strip!! SO AWESOME! :)
I too love heavy metal with all my heart, but all metal videos are stupid. The preferred way to experience metal is in front of the stage, headbanging.
I must say that that video is pretty funky, and fresh. Too bad Noodle's not in the video. That was a talented animated Asian child.
I've been obssesively listening to Feel Good for the past few days. I'm gonna make myself sick of it by the time the Album is released.
Hey there's Dean Trippe everybody! Let's all give old Dean a nice round of applause.
Hey Dean! How's that Ironman thinger going!
Do not get him started about the Iron Man.
Anyway, the first rule of Ironman is, you don't talk about Ironman, except on the Ironman message board, where you can only communicate using vituperative flames.
man, nothing says style like riding an elephant. oh yeah.
Ride that pony, Pope.
I know this sounds weird, but I was really upset about mitch's passing and your treatment of the subject actually helped. I don't think Mitch could've asked for a more respectful tribute.
After taking way too long to get the less than 3 thing I would like to publicly state that I less than three Jeffrey Rowland, Dean Trippe, and Kazu.
shift six underscore shift six
Ryan Estrada
Iron Man? Shiny suit, repulsor rays, rectangle eye-holes?
What's not to love?
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