Stalking the Dark Stalker

I am petrified. Every noise could be the last noise I hear.
It's a beautiful day; there's not a cloud in sight. I should be outside. Or I shouldn't be outside. There's bears outside.
What this comic is saying, is that there is no way the cat is getting into heaven.
Update: 10:33PM. One hour, 27 minutes to go. Things seem to be okay. Doors are locked. It's a bit chilly around though, a lot chillier than it usually is.
Instead of Death taking a test, he took two to the chest.
Pop a cap in that ass, J. Ro.
If you die, all we have to do is chant your name and you'll regain the strength to live!
Death is a wondefull new adventure; angels are hot and loose.
JEFFREY ROWLAND LIVES! If not in tangible human form, than in the hearts of those who love him or are significantly amused by his comics.
Keep sluggin', that's how it's done. You've only got a few more hours to go.
If he strikes you down you will only become more powerful than we can possibly imagine.
Nice gun-shooty-matrix-style-effects thar. Good luck not dying!
International Wigu Posse calling: Dude, it's April 24th here in Paris and still you live. Watch as J-Ro conquers the time zones one by one. Rawr!
poor joanna :(
and keep livin', jeff!!!
If you do die before midnight (or even if you live another 140 years) I think someone should make a movie about your life. Or at least Overcompensating. Whichever one promises more JRo and Catcoon-on-Joanna serial killer action.
So are you dead yet?
Maybe ur dream was jewish... cuz by the jewish calendar its like april 23... 1450 (or something like it) so, you reallly have like 700 more years 2 live
"So are you dead yet?"
Wow do you know what is hilarious is that questions gets funnier ever dozen times or so times I see it.
Jeff you misunderstand. I wasn't trying to be funny. I honestly wanted to know. Glad to know you're not.
I can't tell if that's funny sarcastic or angry sarcastic. In any case, the weather is too nice today to die.
this has to be the most inconclusive comic ever. since you keep building up this whole death thing, i am going to be pretty disappointed if you are alive tomorrow. no offense intended, and i do value human life, but it's like promising Truck-a-saurus with tons of hype at a demolition derby and not delivering.
Who won? Who won? Oooh, the suspense is killing me! And you, possibly.
jeff , whatever you do you cannot sit inside! you must go out into the world and face your fate! cause if it is your fate, why would you want to die in your house?
You'll survive. I'm going to spend the next week raving about your death-slaying skills.
I hope you do not die today, because you look really hot in panel four.
- wedge
I love the Penny-Arcade reference.
Aren't there bears outside?!
<3 J Ro. Don't die, kthx.
I'm sorry, but it would be incredibly lame if you ended up dying by choking on a peanut in bed or something. If you are going to die today you should do it right.
Also, for the record, guys with cats are sexy for reasons that I don't fully comprehend.
Yay, JRo 1: Death 0
Maybe you can have a rematch in 50 or 60 years. :)
If you die, I'll KILL you..
I'd say it was a good day to stay inside over here in CT. It was raining.
Good luck Jeff!
It's times like these when I find it's best to refer to quotes by the wise Albus Dumbledore of the Harry Potter series.
"To the well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure."
and another quote for the road
"Without the awareness of death, everything is ordinary, trivial. It is only because death is stalking us that the world is an unfathomable mystery."
from Carlos Castaneda in his Tales of Power
Adventure always finds you, Jeff. I want it to come for me. I hope I didn't miss it while I was doing something like cleaning the seasoned salt bar at the movie factory I worked at.
I'd stay awake til 6am (my time zone) to read your "not dead!" post but the temptation of the mattress is mighty something powerful.
(and if there is death for you tonight, maybe it'll be the kind that you can have rebirth from. like when Peter Chung made "Reign: The Conqueror" and Alexander the Great destroys the world by giving it rebirth.)
P.S. Death looks scary, but not as scary as a Space Terror. A Space Terror could kick Death's bony bubblebutt into a literally flatass pancake.
can i have your t-shirts after you die?
You folks do realize that tonight was the first night of Passover, right? Now, I'm not too knowledgable about the New Testament since I'm Jewish and all, but wasn't the Last Supper a Passover seder?
So if Jeff dies/died tonight, that could mean he was the second coming. Which means this is, like, the freaking endtimes or something. Which would be especially bad, since that would mean we're all going to die. Like, horribly.
Please don't be dead, Jeff. I want to be able to pet a walrus before I kick the bucket.
less than 2 hours to go! You can do it!
(assuming you aren't dead already)
Half an hour Jeff. I'm sure you can make it. Do as others have before you: survive 30 minutes.
Eight fucking minutes! Come on J-Ro!
Don't die Jeff! Our faith shall keep you alive!
mmm, it was already today in australia yesterday. so Jeff Rowland will live.
I can just see it, Jeff will make it past midnight. Afterward he will unknowingly enter another another timezone. Then be hit simultaniously by a jumbojet and a semi hauling rocket fuel.
I waited until midnight like it was New Years. I need to know.
its the 24th here in kansas... that knocks down the central time zone! and as far as i know your still alive.! YOU MADE IT!
I happen to be in the same time zone as Jeff and he has about 50 minutes left to die. Good luck Jeff. I hope you get eaten by a whale.
How the fuzzle is it the 24th in Central when it's still the 23rd in Louisiana? 41 minutes left here.
Shit. Please be okay Jeff.
on the east coast (USA) hes 30 minuets in the clear (assuming hes still alive). that means we win =P
30 min. left in Minnesota... Come on Jeff, whomp death's ass
I Internet Love you Jeff, please don't die and stop providing me with lots of free entertainment.
20 minutes left by the inter net clock. It's really quite though, like there are no birds chirping outside or anything.
Maybe it is because it is so cold.
Don't take birds too seriously as an omen! It is nighttime! -- jessie
TA DAAAA YOU MADE IT (considering your still alive)
Well? We're waiting here. Post something, dammit!
Are you undead yet? Um... again?
Hope you beat out Death. He fights dirty. Waiting with anticipation are we! Soooooooo much anticipation!
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