The World of Crime Part II

Once again Overcompensating does a public service by giving you more information about crimes and how to tell if you are committing a crime. You are probably committing a crime right now and don't know about it! Stop it. Stop committing crimes.
Again, please refer to California Penal Codes and Presumptive Bail Amounts for more crime information. Or search for crime information in your own state! Oklahoma has a page like this but apparently they didn't pay their hosting bill.

Man, that gave me a start! I was just sittin' around smokin' crime myself, and suddenly there's a comic about it. Makes me wanna go buck wild and commit, well, er, ah, mayhem.
I could a tale unfold whose lightest word would harrow up thy soul, freeze thy young blood.......but then I'd have to kill you.
After reading the crimes attached to last post. I was all like, what is mayhem! You read my mind.
There should be a band called 'Mosher' whose lead singer moshes with the crowd during solo's.
Y'know when I read that list of crimes I was like, "Mayhem is a crime?!?!?" Then I went and looked it up. So you read my mind too.
"It's crime in my pipe, WP, a seven percent solution. You know my methods, WP, apply them. The game's afoot!"
It is too bad the law only means maiming. Usually Mayhem isn't in the law as in many states it goes under Aggravated Assault. Sad.
I like the fact that they differentiate between mayhem, and aggravated mayhem... Mmm. Aggravated mayhem.
What's the penalty for having a Tinkle in a ditch? And QUIT READING MY MIND! I already know what mayhem is, and I hate it when someone mind-reads over my shoulder.
may - a month shortly after april
hem - the edge of a peice of cloth or a noise made when clearin mucus from the throat
Mayhem - a mucusy sort of time of year.
Dude, I was totally wondering what mayhem was last night, and I'm a lawyer and meant to know this stuff. Some of the bail amounts made me laugh.
Gonna go smoke myself a pipe full o' crime.
(That is potentially the greatest song lyric ever)
One up to the "acts of human nature into matter" people.
So if freedom is an overcooked eagle, and crime is put in a pipe. What does that make democracy?
I'm putting my money on a lubricant.
woah. Just read the link to the penal code thing... so, legally, what's pandering? 'Cuz if it's what I think it is I can't have foreplay anymore. I mean, that's the whole 'pandering to the ego thing' right?
I donno, I'm just confused.
I don't know if this has been posted...but...
Semi-Joanna computer tower!
Oh and I forgot to say, I thought that the offence of pimping one's wife was pretty funny, along with the whole lasers aimed at planes and WMDs on animals.
I'm amused WMD bail is so low. In fact I think if you've got a few million to spare you could use this chart to figure out the best buys. Arson seems really pricy for instance.
Why is "Prostituting Wife" a $10,000 bail crime, and plain pimping $15,000? Also, shooting at an airplane is worth less than pointing a laser at one. Also, why is bigamy a crime? "453(a) POSSESSION OF EXPLOSIVE OR FLAMMABLE MATTER" What the hell?
Bookmaking? How is that a crime? At least the bail is cheap.
Mayhem is when you actually remove a part of someone's body. I work at a knife store. It has come up a few times.
1) n. the criminal act of disabling, disfiguring or cutting off or making useless one of the members (leg, arm, hand, foot, eye) of another either intentionally or in a fight, called maiming. The serious nature of the injury makes mayhem a felony, which is called "aggravated assault" in most states. 2) v. to commit mayhem is to cause gross harm in an uncontrolled fashion.
See also: maim aggravated assault assault
I think Weedmaster P did an entirely appropriate job of explaining what Mayhem is guys.
I would like to know why the Wigu RSS feed hasn't been updated in nine weeks, or if there is a living one out there.
Thank you for your time.
also, crime
it scares me to think oneof those little lasers they sell in china town can take down, or at least indanger the flight of an airplane. It also makes me want to go to china town and pick one of those badboys up..
byy the by, I showed you some photoshop thing I did with macbeth a while back and I thought you might be interested in this thign I did for my pops for fathers day
fathers day
also I was wondering if you could tell me a bit about how i could reduce the sloppiness of the outline of the figure..
I do better than that.. I shoot planes at lasers.
And then I commit mayhem wit' a quickness. True, dat.
Cool beans stanley joseph
For my dad I bought him a computer adventure game and hid it in a place, and then I wrote a computer adventure game where he had to play as himself to find out where I hid the computer adventure game present. I even wrote a walkthrough and printed it out and put it on his desk, and in the game the walkthrough was on his desk.
He has been amused for DAYS
What in hell's name is the difference between "mayhem" and "aggravated mayhem?" Not by the dictionary definition, but by the Weedmaster P definition? Is the flying head accompanied by a man yelling "He earned it"?
Thanks for clearing that up for me. I spent most of yesterday trying to come up with ideas for how to incite mayhem but I didn't know where to start. Now I just need to bump it up to aggravated and I'm set.
If J-Ro is Holmes, then who is Watson?
*chews pipe*
Baby is obviously Watson. She's wearing a tweed jacket with patches on the elbows and saying "By Jove" and "Egad" a lot. That's why she isn't visible in the comic. Also, she standing back from the mayhem.
Ha ha... you said "penal."
C'mon, ADF, we've all run afoul of the penile system from time to time, haven't we? Oh. We haven't? Just me?
*reads Penal Code list*
*checks wallet*
I can technically afford bigamy or bookmaking, but the former has extra costs attached in the long term, and the latter's no fun. :(
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