Hate Racism

I am reminded of a comic I did a while ago about the subject of racism, and about how it is wrong to be racist. I always wondered why there is a racist thing about black people loving to eat watermelons. Of course black people love to eat watermelons, watermelons are f*cking delicious.
I grew up in rural Oklahoma where it was just normal to be racist. That's a big reason why I left. I talked to an old friend from high school the other day who still lives in the area. Racism is still the status quo there, and that's a big reason why I'm still gone.
Here is a preview of something I am working on; it will drop as soon as I get and ship the Fight Violence and Hugs shirts. I am sorry for the recent delays, Comic-Con season always causes bottlenecks down at ye olde print shop.

I heart you a little Jeffrey Rowland.
I disagree, Thom. I think that it is quite funny. Indeed, it is funny like whoa.
They love Racism in Oklahoma. LOVE it.
I'm also American Indian, and one lady called me a "Wagon Burner." I didn't know whether to be offended by the slander itself, or the fact that it has no context out of the 1800's.
Sadly I still live in rural Oklahoma, and sadly there is still quite a bit of racism.
Two faced cat!? I just soiled myself.
And what's with the "kid likes the name Tiger"? I know it might not have the pinache the kids today are into, but i think the only suitable name for that kitten is Janus.
I wonder what the explanation is behind the upper body nudity we're seeing from JR lately. Is it Hippiedom? Is it just plain Nudism? Is it Poverty? Is it just to show off his Tatoos?. I wonder...
I also thought barrels were a Donkey Kong reference. As for racism, I have to say this: Racism=Bad
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