Two Words

In my experience, nothing ruins a party like someone suddenly speaking Latin in reverse.
I got a little swimming done this weekend while cunningly avoiding the screaming degenerates across the river. I also got the new car stereo I'd been saving up for that I can plug my iPod into! I just hope I don't crash because now there are so many new things to fiddle with, but if I do hopefully an Au Revoir Simone song will be playing at the time so the mangled carnage will have a disturbingly pretty soundtrack.

About time the little stoner did something with so much spare time. Also, why latin? timmad annaoJ, s'tahw ruoy lead?
I LIVE! I LIVE! (etc.)
Mine are Awesome and Prettymuch.
I have to say that I like Hem for a soundtrack to pretty much anything, but a car crash is where I pretty much draw the line.
Mine are Jesus and Goulet
"Dang old" is an awesome adjective (yes I am treating it like one word because I am taxing my knowledge of the English language as it is)
"Thunderous Olympian" some kind of Front-a-lot Mountain Kind reference?
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