Humping Hot

Translation: It was extremely hot in the office today and the air conditioner has been leaking water in the photography studio below us, so we said "screw it" and came home under the AC and drank beer and watched Firefly, and nobody gets tired of hearing people talk about how hot it is.
The reason Firefly got cancelled was because of that stupid theme song. We played Europe's "The Final Countdown" over the opening credits and it syncs up exactly.

I am ashamed to say that the pretty-much-3-word refrain is the only part of that song I can sing along to at all well.
In other news, I thought of you when I read this article, especially the last bit.
It is most certainly NOT "humping hot". It is too hot to hump. It is "lie naked in a water filled kiddie pool in front of an oscilatting fan connected to a GFI outlet" hot.
Oh man. OverCompensating meets Firefly.
All you need is Jay and Silent Bob and I can die happy.
If indeed the polar caps melt, and the world becomes some sort of sea land, and people have to live in boats, and Kevin Costner is still alive, will Al Gore say, "I told you so?" Will the Green Party become known as the Blue Party, seeing as all land is underwater, or will they simply forget about politics and go swim with the dolphins all day long? Will Jeffrey Rowland still write about the days when jet liners flew in and out of airports, and occasionaly there were snakes on them? Will there ever be snakes on a plane again?
WHAT? How can you hate the firefly theme song? I love it so much, i will however try "The Final COuntdown" to it as well. Also i like Baby in the Kaylee outfit and talkin like her and stuff...
The great thing about Overcompensating is the crazy costumes. Imagine if Peanuts had crazy costumes. All they've got is Snoopy in a scarf.
Every damn comicker on t'internet is complaining about the heat in Uhmairca at the moment - I challenge any of you to spend a summer in Australia and then you can complain about the friggin' sweating!
Australia is full of descendents of criminals and funny looking animals. Let it cook.
This Final Countdown/Firefly theory is begging to be a Youtube video.
There is nothing wrong with the theme song. Maybe it should not have been the main theme since you can't techno it up and have different versions of it at different moments in the series, but that is just a freebie and not a life threatening weakness.
In fact, as songs go, the number/type of instruments as well as the lyrics fit Firefly to a T.
what kind of music did you want for a scifi space western that specializes in the nit and grit? I think its because some people expect scifi to be a certain thing. You havent been exposed to anime have you?
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The Firefly themesong is a brilliant composition of longing, angst, sorrow and defiance. The song wasn't why the show was cancelled -- the Fox executive (did we ever find out his name? REAVERBAIT!) who is responsible obviously had a pact with the netherworld to subvert the very best gorram show EVER!
BTW, Shamelessplug: Read the Firefly Fan Novels, "Kaylee's Lament" and "The Treasure of Lei Fong Wu", at
Complete novels, written by a professional writer, with no stupid slash -- all 'verse conventions rigorously complied with! Guaranteed enjoyment or your fei hua back!
I also find that Joe Walsh's "Life's Been Good" works equally well.
You dare insult the Firefly theme?
Pistols at dawn, sir.
You dare insult the Firefly theme?
Pistols at dawn, sir.
You're not listening to the Firefly theme close enough!
If you listen to it really close, and pay a lot of attention to it, you'll start to notice that it completely sucks.
Also yesterday here it was 103F with 94% humidity which made it "feel like" it was 179F.
Massachusetts in August: it's like Oklahoma, but with twice as much humidity
Have you heard the version that Joss Whedon sang? Now THAT's bad.
Is it strange that I was hearing the actor's voices in my head as I read this?
Jeff it is a good tune, a good theme tune, you are a Johnny-come-lately to popular culture in no position to cast aspersions.
Interesting choice of alt-text. My mother once said I should "gai si". I was doing something very bad I think.
Awwww, I liked the opening song to Firefly.
Every TV show should definitely replace its current theme song with something by "The Who." The only reason I even watch that goddamn CSI: Miami show is because I get to listen to Pete Townsend being a badass on the guitar.
CSI's theme song (WHo are you-The Who, i belive) does not work as a theme song. It is an awsome regualr song to be sure but when applyed to that TV show it simply didnt go with the flow. What i mean by that is CSI is a drama-type televerse show whilst "Who are you" is awsome.
Firefly was a sadly shortlived sci fi show from Joss Whedon, the god of Buffy and Angel. Set in space on a spaceship, no less, it featured Mal Reynolds (Jeff Rowland) and his team of ruffians as they wander creating mischief. The movie Serenity follows on directly from the series.
Check this shit out!
I think "you can't take this guy from me" is funnier.
Blasphemy! The firefly theme song was great.
So much so, that I coreographed a dance to it, showed the whole damn school too.
i gotta agree with jeffrey, true believers. the firefly theme always got muted in my household.
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