Somehow I've always known that Hollywood people are somehow superior to regular people, and now that I am peripherally involved with them, I know it to be true! I still remember what it was like to be a common prairie person though, so things won't change too much.
Weedmaster P is gon' open up a can a whoop ass on yo'.
Kinda yella for a martini. Is it maybe a marpeeni?
Huh... being rude to your loved ones is the way of the celebrity? Helen Keller was a celebrity...
Think about that for a second, and then chastise yourself for making an exploitational joke about the disabled.
Keep it real, Jeffrey Rowland.
It should be assumed that everything written here is a joke.
your still J-Row from the block?
But if Hollywood don't need you, honey, I still do.
Until further notice, I am still J-Ro from the block.
Everything I say here is a joke. I have incredibly whacked humor, though, so sorry for the crossed signals.
Zoidberg, Zoidberg, Z-Z-Z-Z-Zoidberg
Best remix ever.
I am wicked grimey (grimey is the opposite of sparklin) due to massive blistering sunburn problem.
The ideas in these comics will live on but the execution was just like a horse trying to figure out how to play Connect Four.
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