Comic Con 2006 Part Four

So ends another series of comics about going to Comic-Con. Now all there is left to do is wait.

Here's the finished version of that Edmonton Journal article, and to the right you can see a small scan of the page. Topato is pleased with this.
Two more styles added to the Snakes shirts! Now you can get it in plain black and navy American Apparel.
Here's a link (60mb .mov, please save to desktop). There are cusses and it is boring. I'm the kind of effeminate sounding dude to Sam's right.

I'm normally not a brown noser, but
"Some people can draw really well, and some people can write really well," says Jeffrey Rowland, creator of the well-known but defunct strip Wigu. "I can't do either of these really well but I can do both of them well enough to be able to make a coherent comic strip."
While potentially correct, I think you drawn purdy comics. They are comics, not some stick up your ass post modern expression of angst. People drawn what fits to the attitude and nature of the subject, usually that works well.
Web Cartoonists are so rich that they've all joined together and built a second reality, away from all of us shmoes, to keep their wealth in.
By the time you read this, they will have assassinated me already for divulging this information, using special mind powers that they bought from God.
Soo, if you're coming to LA, might there be an appearance in the works, where we can drink Mexican beer and discuss the topics of the day?
AS in, maybe you could make an appearance at the Nucleus Gallery in Alhambra. I'm sure you're buddy Kazu could make that happen. Eh? Eh? maybe sell some swag? Eh? Eh?
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