Comic Con 2006 Part Two

Last Friday a handful of "web bloggers" and myself sat down to talk to Samuel L. Jackson for about 20 minutes about the business of snakes and the planes that they are on. I gave Sam a drawing of himself jumping out of an exploding airplane, asked him what he was most afraid of on earth, and mentioned something about "United 93" if I recall. I would host the video of the interview but bandwidth issues currently prevent that (and I am off-screen anyway so it doesn't matter).
If "Snakes on a Plane" has given us anything, it's the renewed joy of sitting around coming up with better names for movies.
I got invited to Hollywood Premiere of Snakes on a Plane, and I'm trying to figure out if it's worth it to go (ticket's free but I gotta pay for the flight).

"The Movie Where Samuel L. Jackson TASERS A SNAKE IN THE FACE" works for me.
jeffrey rowland you get your motherf***ing butt on that motherf***ing plane to see that premier.
I've seen "snakes" 3 times. Shhh! Don't tell anybody.
And it's not so bad.
You should hold a fundraiser. Just promise to document it somehow, and your peeps will totally get you there.
However you make it happen, you absolutely should go. You will deeply regret it if you don't.
don't get all flaccid now, jeffrey. if it means killing a man and stealing his wallet full of cards you may or may not know how to use before they're frozen, you have to get to that fuckin premiere. murder-style.
GO! GO! GO! When is the next time you will be invited to a hollywood premiere? Nermy said it correctly. GO!
Come on man, this is so necessary.
Do it. Do that thing. Free booze! Free nibblez! And, if the movie is really, really dreadful, a never-to-be-repeated opportunity to have a huge go at Sam Jackson. How many inter-net car-toonists will ever be able to say they were invited to a premier? How many of them will be able to claim they dissed Samual L. "Badass" Jackson? Or, indeed, praised him to his face without his securidroids intervening?
You could always have a camera-style whip-round amongst your readership to raise plane-ticket monies. DO IT JEFF.
If you go, will you wear classy slacks, a blazer and a snakes on a plane t-shirt?
I'd contribute to your ticket fund. You have to go--you're one of the main reasons this movie is as big as it is.
Plus what everyone else said, and you need to rock your Southern-ass out. Wear a SoaP shirt, but cut off the sleeves and carry around an empty beer can. Come on, J.Ro! I'm cheering for you!
Fundraising is for poor people! It's a tax writeoff. TopatoCo is a legitimate business.
I have a friend in LA who got in touch with me last night and or schedules are in tune so I think I am leaning toward going.
I tried to upload the video to youtube but it said "terms of use violations" and basically I hate youtube.
Do it, man. Good movie or not, it's a business opportunity. Take a bale of shirts and give 'em away to actors. Puke on someone famous at the party.
It is always worth it to come to Hollywood. We have a good city here. Really! What with the stars in the sidewalk and the stars walking on the sidewalks. Maybe someday you too will be a star Jeffrey Rowland. Although you are on the interweb of course...but a star to the mere mortals of Hollywood land.
Yes. Go! Take over Hollywood with your brilliant catch phrases and alcoholic cat.
you pretty much need to go to that there premiere. and wear one of the snakes flying a plane tshirts. and either pin on or carry a sign that says "i made this here t-shirt." and all us inter net folks will see you in the photos from the premiere and smile at our monitors.
William email me and I'll send you the link to the .mov.
William email me and I'll send you the link to the .mov.
Mister Rowland, I say — GO TO THAT PREMIERE! :D Just, um… drive or something — you never know who might put snakes on the plane you're taking… <.<; >.>;
Anyway, I have a suggestion — instead of YouTube, try Google Video ( I'm not sure if the Terms and Conditions are any different for GV, as I don't have time to read the TaC (it's thundering outside, really loudly), but please — do something to host the video! :D
Mmmm... dicks.
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