Driving Miss Dongle Part Five

Man I love this story but there are some crazy things I have seen on the internet recently that I can't get into right now. It's... personal.
I like the Livejournal service a lot and you people who use Myspace for blogs and such should use Livejournal instead. It's actually independent and doesn't force you to look at ads for dating services that use pictures of young girls who are photoshopped to look even younger.
Also a Happy Birthiversary to Hope!
No, but they will show ads for American Apparel featuring what appears to be alluringly posed jailbait like this and this.
Note to people who decide to sign up for LiveJournal: you can still have an ad-free Basic account if you pay attention and select it during the sign up. Then you only have to see ads on the pages of Plus users.
"It's actually independent and doesn't force you to look at ads for dating services that use pictures of young girls who are photoshopped to look even younger."
I do the official comic of LiveJournal, featuring their mascot, and I have more rights in regards to the comics I post there than anyone who posts their personal work on MySpace.
This is great and all, but can get get back to OC, Jeff? =/
I don't come to where you work and tell you how to more pleasantly massage the prostate.
I have a myspace, but I try to limit it to people I know. I've actually met with a lot of people I never would've met again, like my buddy who is fighting in Iraq right now. It depends on the person, how well or badly something works. I try to use it as a way of keeping in touch with people. Not a race to see who can get the most friends. I have 1 frivolous one, I must admit.
J-Ro, loving the Topato!
Don Charney: he does it for the ladies!
But Jeffrey is so, so right. LJ is way better than MySpace.
* LiveJournal supports open source and open standards. LiveJournal coders wrote code that helps run many high profile sites--for instance, memcached helps run Wikipedia and Slashdot. As far as I can tell, MySpace's code is written by epileptic monkeys and they focus on supporting camwhores.
* Tom is not your friend. Brad might not be your friend, either, but at least LJ doesn't pretend he is.
* LJ has threaded comments, making it possible for people to have actual conversations. LJ's friends page pwns MySpace's blog aggregator. Hard. LJ also has better privacy controls.
* LJ is a million times less likely to crash your browser. Seriously, is there anyone who even dares to browse MySpace without Opera in accessibility mode?
* LJ is a thousand times less likely to be a vector for malware. (Only one incident related to a sneaky Flash ad. There was that whole Bantown thing, but that exploited a Firefox vulnerability and required someone to click a link that went offsite, and all it did was hijack people's LJs.)
* LJ lets you choose whether you'd prefer extra features or an ad free journal. LJ also has pretty cheap paid accounts with even more extra features that let you avoid the ads altogether.
And if LJ is not quite Web 2.0 enough, you can always try Six Apart's new baby Vox, which has enough modern Javascript to choke a horse and then bury it with rounded corners and gradients.
LJ rawks. Srsly.
But yeah, I use it all the time. It's nice, and it can be free without a lot of adds. (even though I pay for my yearly subscription. Extras are nice)
Topato is nothing but the intensified personification of the human condition, where as Sheriff Pony is the voice of reason.
Chalk up another LJer here. Since 2002 I think. It's a great service, and I was smirkingly surprised to see Herr Roland advocating it over WhoreSpace... er MySpace.
"I don't come to where you work and tell you how to more pleasantly massage the prostate."
Oh SNAP!!!! Oh Jeff you're the master of witty repartee. You are my comic icon!
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