The Revolution May Not Necessarily Be An Improvement

A lot of people talk trash about the people in charge, and a lot of times they're right. Sometimes I think they're wrong, but most of the time I know deep down the ruling people don't have a lot to work with.
We live in a society where 71% of people are below average, and that number grows every day. "Average" is the status quo and we'll never have really smart President because really smart people know that only an idiot would want a job where you spend your vacations clearing brush on a ranch in Texas.

99% of politicians develop a power fetish. The rest are in for the chicks.
It's true! It's all true. When Lenin led the Revolution against King George III and George Washington, everything was better for like a day, and then we all realized we'd be eating a whole lot more pickled beets.
Doesn't "average" mean 50th percentile? Doesn't that mean that 50% of people are below average, not 71? Of course I agree with the falling rate of what counts for "average" in this country (I witness it every day) but lets be honest: the only revolution that works is the one that works slowly and calls each and every one of us to responsibility for our inactions. Can't blame corrupt politicians - its our damn fault they're there!
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However, in terms of weight, a lot of people are above average, so that's nice!
But Jeffrey...
(Future Hi - Future Goodbye)
Well, I rethought my consensus of the president a few weeks ago, when he was in New Orleans and one of the big time news heads interviewed him. I don't remember much, but I do remember him saying "This isn't a popularity contest, you just do what you think's right for the nation."
This made me realize that, just because I disagree with what he does doesn't make him a total idiot. He's not our greatest president, but he's just doing what he thinks is right. And sure, he messed up bigtime with Katrina, and 9/11, but what president doesn't make mistakes.
And anyways, it's not like I can do any better.
I don't support him, but he's running our country, so I'm giving him some slack.
P.S., awesome camoflauge.
He gets advice from his cabinet. Also, don't put all the blame on him; we have three branches with equal power. You have to blame the whole government for the faulty decisions they have made.
Sure, a lot of decisions were directly influenced by him, but the mere fact that our government is set up this way makes it wrong to blame him and only him.
"We live in a society where 71% of people are below average, and that number grows every day. "Average" is the status quo" - J Ro
What does that even mean?
FYI: It's called Wii now.
Everyone who gives political commentary on teh Interweb is a funnyman. Some funnymen are simply more self-aware.
Where are these super-genius people who are skewing the average, and why are they not taking charge?
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