Driving Miss Dongle Part Four

This comic is up early because I feel like it has a really good insult! Here is a link to the Magical Adventures in Space Wikipedia entry for the unitiated.
I should also mention that I have a lot of readers who are members of vampirefreaks.com, and the terrible actions of a lone douchebag does not mean that the site makes people evil. That's like saying Myspace causes people to be ignorant drama-whores who can only be photographed from two feet above their face. Oh wait.
They use such complex verbiage in Butter Dimesion ... , um whichever one we're in now.
It's good to see these characters again. And Space Potatoes have hearts. I did not know that.
Dear god please make an "auto-copulate aristocrat!" T-shirt.
I am opining and commentating upon an electronically mediated open messaging system!
Listen. This comic am funny. But really. Can any comic lacking Weedmaster P really be considered good? Answer: No, but thanks for asking.
Now, wait a moment... I have a Myspace account, and I am overcultured and pedantic, not an ignorant famehound!
The deaths and injuries at Dawson CC, while tragic, are replicated on the highways of north america almost hourly, albeit not with bullets. I mourn for the student lost and hope for those clinging to life, but it just is not nearly as tragic as many, many, many other events in human existence.
It wasn't until I was staring at the Wikipedia entry that I had cause to wonder why Butter Dimension^3 (i.e. Butter Dimension Cubed) is called "Butter Dimension Quad".
I dote on formal language, especially when formulated by aspirational hillbillies like myself, but mathematic abnormality? Nooooooooooo!
Ok, I made a list of every Wigu story involving Topato and Sheriff Pony. Here's what I can figure. For the first year of the comic, Sheriff Pony and Topato were only on the TV show and as Wigu's hallucinations and such. The first time they show up in real life is when the monkey bites Topato and dies (somewhere around 9/23/02). Around this time, their world is revealed as Butter Dimension 3 (that number should be superscripted, but blogger won't accept the HTML code).
When Sheriff Pony notices money missing from the treasury, they find Topato in Butter Dimension 2 (superscripted). This is the only time this version of Butter Dimension is mentioned.
Butter Dimsion 3 lasts until they catch Wigu's dad throwing the Hamburglar over a dam. Topato accidentally deleted the wrong worldline, instead making it so that the Earth never exists. They lose their memory, the Space Mummy attacks, and the Space Mummy decides to delete this worldline. This storyline started around 3/15/04.
The next time we see Sheriff Pony and Topato, on 6/15/04, it is called Butter Dimension 4 (superscripted), also called Butter Dimension Quad.
This dimension lasts until the big crossover comic where Topato tries to get Jefrey Rowland to kill the Tinkles. Instead, Jeffrey kills Topato, makes out with Princess Dongle, and that worldline ends itself. This storyline starts on 5/17/05.
The next time we see Topato and Sheriff Pony, it is called Butter Dimension 360 (not superscripted). They help Wigu when a plesiosaur is attacking his dad's van.
Unless another worldline got deleted as part of "The Case of the Missle Crisis", it should still be Butter Dimension 360. I think.
also called Butter Dimension Quad.
Yeah this should be considered a "classic episode."
Hmm... Was John Kerry trying to paraphrase Topato when he made his recent faux pas?
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