The Way... Of the Master

A few weeks ago, a question was raised: What the hell ever happened to Kirk Cameron? The answer came quickly and loudly and included embedded video. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you The Way of The Master Ministries, in which (as a very comforting graphic involving Kirk and a chimp reveals) Kirk Cameron is for some reason the end result of evolution.
I don't know why I've been ramblin' about religion lately. I just wish people would wise up and realize it is possible for everyone believe in the same Type of God and also be able to accept logical scientific discoveries. Only problem is, everybody wants it to be Their God. Or else.

Hahaahha I watched the evoloution video. It made me laugh. It was funny how Cameron and Comfort lead the people on and made them say silly things. I loved how every time 'maybe" and "probably" were used, they flashed it on the screen. Oh! and then when CandC made some stuff up about apes and humans. heheh " There are only apes and humans.... The 'missing links' only exist in evoloutionist's imaginations."
That is probly one of the funniest things I have heard in a while. Oh those crazies. I mean...uhhh... PEOPLE FREE TO BELEIVE WHAT THEY WANT.
Uh... I like pancakes.
(There ain't no fucking way I am weighing in on this sack of angry hornets, R-Man...)
I have to admit, I'm baffled. Paris Hilton -is arrested- and you're all talking about this nonsence?
kirk cameron is dreamy. i'll un-believe in evolution if you say so, cam!
Does anyone know what a "rhinorhondothackasaurus" is? Wikipedia and Google are stumped.
Apes on a Plane! I think we may have found a squeal to Snakes...
What's more sad than any of this "Evolution" nonsense is the films that Kirk Cameron has gone on to make.
Left Behind!? Are you kidding me?
I actually saw that one (I was a good little Christian boy at the time) and it was awful. Awful Awful Awful.
A few years later he came to my school and told us all about the sequel to Left Behind that was coming out that year! And how excited he was for us to see it!
I'll never forgive him.
I accidentally watched part of one of those Kirk Cameron shows the other night, and I heard that impish British sidekick advising Christians on how to deter someone from looking at porn. I'm paraphrasing, but he basically said all you have to do is accuse them of being pedophiles. He felt no need to elaborate on that strategy; however, he knew in his heart that his idea was foolproof.
The Way of the Master Ministries... Isn't that a Hong Kong kung fu flick?
Just so you guys know, the church of the master is a vampire church. I saw one in Harlem while visiting a friend, and it was a)creepy and b)had all the windows boarded up so no sunlight could get in. Also it was really creepy. True Story.
You know what's easier than reconciling religious beliefs with scientific beliefs?
Ditching the religious beliefs.
man. that site might as well be a colbert report-type spoof of what they're trying to be. there are huge holes in their arguments and their theology. the only people that would listen to that nonsense already buy into it.
what kind of website would jesus design to shame the filthy unbelievers into listening to him?
go see Jesus Camp when it comes out
the trailer is nothing shy of terrorfryin'
Man, Jesus Camp just looks scary. The fact they compared what they are doing to what Palestinian terrorists are doing amuses me to no end.
In the spirit of Dave Barry's blog, Rhinorhondothackasaurus would be a good name for a rock band.
"I just wish people would wise up and realize it is possible for everyone believe in the same Type of God and also be able to accept logical scientific discoveries. Only problem is, everybody wants it to be Their God. Or else."
Amen brother...
616? Are you the real anti-christ, Mr. Rowland?
Anyone who would discount someone's scientific diatribes simply because the person making those diatribes is utterly unprepared and insufficient to be doing so must be the anti-christ, after all.
Is the video in question the one in which he holds up a banana and says "meet the atheists worst nightmare." and then goes on to say how the banana disproves evolution for some convoluted reason.
I agree with Can't Dance The short wierdo is definately an Aussie, pretty sure i've seen him on TV before. Definately not a kiwi Scott I'm a kiwi! And we don't sound like that.
I have watched an entire episode of this show (in an ironic fashion) and I tell you, KIRK AND HIS SIDEKICK ARE THE MOST ANNOYING PEOPLE EVAR
GUESS WHAT YOU TOTALLY NEED TO WATCH RIGHT NOW! On the Back to the Future dvds, there's a feature where Kirk Cameron answers questions viewers has about the trilogy.
...because, let's face it, who knows more about those three classic films than the star of Growing Pains? Name ONE PERSON. I darrre you.
He's presented as being very sassy and vaguely hearthrobesque and I am laughing just reminiscing. Watch! Go now!
Man, I watched those videos at 3:30AM after coming home drunk. BIG MISTAKE. Rather than having the usual "ha ha, so crazy" effect, I was just afraid of them and their cult-like declarations.
i can't believe the number of straight forward lies these twerps say in the evolution video.
What truly terrifies me is being good enough in real life to end up in an afterlife place filled with people like Kirk Cameron.
I'd rather burn.
For eternity.
I think the kiwi accent is fake. This guy's from Alabama.
What the holy fuck?
That website is both really funny and excruciatingly terrifying. I really don't understand how people can honestly believe this tripe, and preach it with such ernest fanatacism.
I am embarrassed for the human race.
Terrifying? A New Zealander and a former child star talking about their reality-divorced beliefs are terrifying? They might not be the brightest and best humanity has ever produced, but, they're mostly harmless.
No one with any knowledge of any subjects that they talk about would suddenly say "oh my god! I was so wrong!" after viewing this stuff. Indeed, the only people drinking the kool-aid that Cameron and his Kiwi buddy are selling are the people that have already developed a taste for it.
It is neither embarrassing or terrifying to me. Learn to be a little more pluralistic, dude.
Huh. I guess I just poked the sack of angry hornets with a stick.
this got a lot of coments.
I accidentally watched part of one of those Kirk Cameron shows the other night, and I heard that impish British sidekick advising Christians on how to deter someone from looking at porn. I'm paraphrasing, but he basically said all you have to do is accuse them of being pedophiles. He felt no need to elaborate on that strategy; however, he knew in his heart that his idea was foolproof.
Oh, outstanding. From now on, I am referring to my pornography-viewing habits as smacking a British sidekick.
Funny how when useless child stars look around for a second career, it's either porn or religion.
i like you, jeff rowland. be sure to catch kirk in the video adaptation of the hit Left Behind novel series!
All of you who give your oppinions of the Bible stands on the American freedom that we have...SPEECH! But none of you have actually met this man Jesus, whom Cameron lives for. You don't even know anything about him. Yet you can give all this advise and criticism(spoken or written opinion or judgement of what is wrong or bad about somebody or something)! As the Bible says,"STUDY TO SHOW YOURSELF APPROVED" It's good advise for all of you who speak of something you know nothing about.
I hope some of you guys who made some of the crudest comments on this site will reconsider.
In a way, when I read some of your comments, I am glad, because it becomes evident that your conscience is in the background convicting you of your sin. That you are guilty of breaking God's laws just like me and every one else.
That's why we need a savior! I would ask you to please reconsider your thoughts about who God is and why you need Him.
Look what God has done for you. You don't deserve it, yet He has been so kind to give His only Son as a sacrifice to pay your sin debt. How else could He possibly display His love for us and His kindness any greater?
Please do what Jesus says. Repent of your sins against a holy God and place your trust in Jesus Christ.
Don't be a fool. And I don't say that in a condemning way. The Bible says, "The fool has said in his heart there is no God."
Jesus said unless you repent you will all perish.
We all have sinned against a holy God whose standard is perfection. We don't measure up. The only way we can be in His presence is by having our sins forgiven. And the only way for that to happen is to have Jesus' righteousness imputed to our account. That can only be accomplished by repenting and putting your faith in Jesus Christ.
Please do it TODAY!
You may not have a tomorrow.
I pray God will open your eyes and your hearts to Him and grant you Godly sorrow. The Bible says Godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation.
That is my prayer for you if you are reading this.
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"KingAnnoy said...
I'm sorry about my last post, they were trying to have diner with a chimpanzee as an equal, they are obviously mentally retarded."
Dunno about that mate... did you know the Chimps are the only primates to be part of the "Sapiens" family...Just like us Homo Sapiens...
I am not thrilled about having a chimp in the family but hey!!
Still see no link to monkeys in myself... and I most definitely don't look like a chimp..
If Darwin dropped the whole evolution theory mambo-jambo... why would I believe on it?
If you want your great great great gram pa to be a monkey it's your problem... I refuse to think that I am the descendant of a monkey ...
Interesting THEORY and all but hey...
No one here has debunked a single claim, scientifically, that Cameron and Comfort made on the program. All i see are a bunch of people doing the same thing they claim way of the master did.
Instead of bashing you need to be considering your own life...
God Will, possibly sooner than you think... !
Science and the Bible are in harmony, show me one instance where the Bible is has been proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt, wrong!
Science only proves that there is only one logical conclusion...
Ray is from New Zealand...
Poor taste.
And I would have to agree, if I was out and about and saw a man about to jump off a building chanting "I BELIEVE I CAN FLY!" I deffinately would recant stepping in to say different. People are free to believe what they want, any Christian will tell ya that. (That is one of the basic theological statements Christianity claims) but our main goal is to share our faith by showing the world what it doesnt want to see i.e. Morality...
The world seems self content to love pornography, adultery, idolatry, murder, pride, stealing, lying, etc, etc, etc...
Very nice story
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