Labor Day

Ow, my head feels like it got stepped on. Who stepped on my head?
This Labor Day we are watching the Season 3 DVD of Arrested Development! TopatoCo is away from the computers today but we will return Tuesday with a newfound sense of what the last episodes of Arrested Development are like.
We're also pouring 40 ounces of crocodile juice out for our friend Steve Irwin.

I am sorry for his wife, his young children, and his friends, but...
He pushed the envelope one too many times, and it finally fell of of the table. In all honesty, I hope it was quick and not very painful.
i was going to say pour a 40 of fosters out, but i dont know if they even make 40s of fosters, or if its even actually australian, and crocodile juice sounds much, MUCH cooler anyway.
Have a good holiday and try not to run from the cops. Play dead instead.
Those cops are trying to save you from the slasher that kills fun loving youngsters in abandoned mansions!
as long as you have a friend to stand nearby with a video camera, everything will be ooooookaaaaaay.
^ oh my god YES. mr. rowland could totally be james dean, and baby could be natalie wood, and weedmaster that boy who was questionably gay or summat and YES!!
i'm really sad for mr. irwin's children, apparently his son is three. it's ridiculous, just yesterday my friend and i were playing with his novelty item of a plastic irwin that had soundbytes of "crickey!" and "crocs rule!". i thought he was like superman.
can't believe he's gone - what a human being.
3 people in australia have been killed by stingrays, 17 world-wide in modern times.
I was going to comment on how great Arrested Development was, and still is, and how the people at Fox are the debil. But, in light of Irwin's death, I have to do some really short, badly written eulogy. Ok.
He was a crazy aussie, like all of them are so I'm told, who I'm pretty sure put his baby in a croc's mouth, hunted crocs, and lived in the jungle or something. I never knew him personally, but if I were to meet him I bet it'd be a crikey good time. I never knew if Australian people actually said "crikey" before Irwin, and I still don't. He died awesomely, and will be infamous as that guy on teevee who did crazy stuff.
I guess, in a way, he's like a less-weird, cooler, does-not-molest-children Michael Jackson.
What a crappy eulogy.
Steve Irwin was the only man alive who could possibly have made Australian slang sound cool.
RIP, good buddy. I'll miss your TV show.
Steve Irwin: he never wore a suit.
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