
This comic kind of speaks for itself I guess. You got God on the money, you got Bibles in the courtrooms, gay marriage bans, polling stations that are in churches, faith-based initiatives, illegal abortion, and bans on stem cell research that are directly related to Bible rules. Will there ever be a vampire president? I don't think so.
But I'd sure like to see President Dracula. Ask Poopmonster about President Dracula.
More V for Vendetta? And right here I could make some clever quip like "Monotheocrasy, more like Monohypocrasy," but i won't.
I don't know anything at all about V for Vendetta.
Basically the plotline was this comic plus explosions.
fuckin' yeah, that's pretty much all i gotta say...
That's... damn, gorman, it's disturbing how accurate that is.
Except in the movie version, the Jeffrey character pines for Baby instead of vice-versa. But Moore's comic; you've pretty much nailed it precisely.
Seen from france, it always lloks weird how politics and religion mix in other country (France is one of the country where religions and politics are the most separated in the world). But then there are worse situations than the U.S.... Iran, for example. They don't hang 16-years-old girls for "crime against chastity" in the U.S., do they ? Of course Iran doesn't pretend to offer religious freedom, on the other hand... But yeah, in France you wouldn't see the a bible in a courtroom. What happens if the witness refuses to swear on the bible because he's not christian ?
Well, the God on money happened in the 1950's. So did "Under God" in your morning ritual prayer. I think it might have had something to do with godless communists(Commies were the terrars of thier time).
*Is Canadian*
Monotheocracies aren't all bad. Sometimes they've got good public health services, and you usually get more holidays.
Maybe they're just mostly bad?
I really liked the powerpoint presentation, too. It sums up the situation quite nicely.
We are all going to die, though.
Jeffrey needs to either watch V for Vendetta or put out a Dracula for President Shirt in time for Halloweiner day.
Alas, this makes me a bit blue.
Not just the part about no vampire presidents, though that does make me sad for obvious reasons.
Well, abortions aren't illegal.
You all need to see "Jesus Camp", especially before Halloween, because it is the scariest movie of all time, speaks to EXACTLY what this comic is talking about, and it is all very very true.
This is one of the best political cartoons I've seen in a good while.
I think I will apoint myself as your crazy Canadian poster.
In Canada we actually have the anglican church as our official religion. Does anybody actually mind polling stations in churches? Or the option to swear on a bible?
Tell the Poopmeister that there already is a President Dracula tee shirt, by Alex Ross no less. Pretty damn accurate.
You have a three "man" team now. Feel the power
HA! I think Jeffrey's dead on accurate comic can suppliment this even scarier article on
Goddamnit what a loser!
Bio-dome, Threesome! Has he really forgotten his pathetic past?
"Life sucks", say the man who is quickly on his way to becoming a member of the ruling class...
Meh. A society is only as free as it wants to be.
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