
This comic was ready to go up last night but Comcast wouldn't let us have inter nets at the Bunker. When the new Overcompensating systems get activated, I won't have to manually update anymore (I have to manually update and do all the links and all). I have had it with manually updating.
Anyway any day now! Also I have chosen November 22 as the day Wigu will come back. Gonna try to do Wigu Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and The OC on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday if possible!
only male unicorns have horns. I saw it on Animal Planet.
Um, Wigu is not dead to me. However, with fewer updates to the OC it makes it harder for me to pretend that I actually know Jeffrey and that we are friends.
What in tarnation is Tallahassee doing to Joanna?!?
Tallahassee is making the stuffed Joannas. God!
There is some stupid blockware that thinks TopatoCo is dirty for no reason whatsoever (there is not even a cuss word on TopatoCo, I designed it that way). I can't fix it without spending a lot of time that I don't have.
I haven't gone a day without Overcompensating in quite a long time...I fear I may go into withdrawl while waiting for a PS3...2 whole days without Jeffery...what will I do!?
talahasse is sewing joanna dolls?! does that mean she'll be ready to go by xmas? PLS PLS PLS?!
OC and Wigu on alternating days.
Jeffery Rowland is truely a robot created to make comics. Comics about things that are now alternately mostly real and possibly real in some strange corner of the Radicalverse (a more radical version of the Universe).
Umm...that Unicorn only has one thingie hanging from its udder.... which I don't think is an udder... but a really big.... with a very small.... happily squirting...
There is an Australian movie being made and Billy Connolly is gonna be in it and it's called When I Grow Up. No shit. Except don't tell anyone because I don't think I'm supposed to know that.
"This is unfortunate as it coincides with the assassination of John F. Kennedy."
Well, duh why do you think I chose it?
... that unicorn only has one udder?
That's furiously disturbing.
Waff-box: Would you be less concerned if someone tried to make you pay for their breastmilk?
"2. oh man, eff that. I need a steady fix of OC. Forget Wigu, it's dead to us"
Don't speak on my behalf. I love Wigu. You are a clown.
ahhaha, that's so cute, the unicorn's using its milk to make a treble clef design! or maybe an alto clef.
i'm so excited for wigu! and ohwow, i was tricked so hard, when my eyes saw 'The OC' i thought the FOX drama.
(n-not that i watch that show)
ooo stuffed joannas in the making, eh? that makes me soo totally happy. and waff-box, i think that's neither milk nor a girl unicorn...
"The OC"
Don't call it that.
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