That's Good Blasphemy

Goodness me. Two things:
Weedmaster P T-shirts go off sale on Saturday, and that's all there is to that.
Since I have just come back to life and gone back in time, I will be taking a few days off. Overcompensating will return on April 29.
Allow me to be the first to welcome you back jeff. we missed you a whole lot and weedmaster p's comics slightly sucked. Try the sausage!
told you he wasn't dead! second comment!
are you going to beat up weed-p for checking out baby?
Dear JEff.. I thought there would be a better punchline
I was using that as my wallpaper for a while.
"Dear JEff.. I thought there would be a better punchline"
I SAVED YOU FROM THE APOCALYPSE and this is the thanks I get??
I should have just let you all fend of the demonds for 1000 years.
Whoooo! he's alive. and the cat.. well still drunk and still on the piano. nothing's changed
Check out those backgrounds. Happy fifteenth anniversary, Hubble!
Also: welcome back, Jeffrey.
Jeff, is Blaze giving us the finger, in the fifth panel, there?
Jeff, are you touching yourself for any particular reason in the last panel?
Sufjan Stevens DOES Rock!
naw, damien, the cloud is just so turned on by jeff's beauty, even in the cosmos.
I love that picture. It's real, for those who were wondering (if you can believe what the government tells you, anyhow).
Also, welcome back, Jeffrey. Weedmaster P's comics did suck slightly.
There's no such thing as good blasphemy. And this whole ordeal was an awful lot just to transform yourself into someone who is now cool enough to use the f-word. You've lost something along the way.
Gotta change that thing at the top that still says OC is updated by Weedmaster P, just so you know.
Let's not be overly judgemental. Let him among you who has not sinned and all that. I mean to say that we should not go trying to put a guilt trip on J-Ro here. Mostly I say this because he's a zombie and could eat your brains if you're not careful, but also it's important to keep a sense of humor if you are going to read comics.
BEST OC SKIT EVAR! I swear to "Blaze", J-Ro just gets better and better at this shit. I really got a kick out of the Weedmaster P comix. Oh fucking heavenly humor, you FUCKING ROCK.
Hey we finally get to see naked Jeff. Cool!
You are totally returning the day the Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie comes out.
youre too dedicated, jeff. i mean you just came back from the fucking dead. if you're going to do some time traveling to scheduel in some vacation time, why not take off more than a week? hell, i'd take off a full month.
Jeff, to listen to those turd burglars. I think that whole series was -great- and I'm really glad that you're back.
Thanks for saving humanity.
Jeff, have a beer and go see Hitchhiker's.
You deserve it, you've saved us all.
Little-known fact about God: Also was the player character in Ace Combat 5.
Does this mean you're immortal???????
And thank Zoul comments are no longer disabled.
Good to have you back.
does weedmaster p even exist? what the hell is going on?
i can't believe you bothered to do an obituary when it was all a hoax.
i knew in my heart you couldn't stay dead for long...
thank you for keeping up wigu!
but how did you "die"?
good illustration of trans-cosmotic 'tache movement.
Can I just say that on Linda Pfizer's card, I misread it as 'THE RAPIST' and not 'Therapist'. But then, I suppose they do commit random atrocities on the mind for a cheap thrill...
I assumed the slight extra gap between the E and the R was intentional.
I have to know what happens to C.K. and the Crips! please continue it; this is the most I've enjoyed Superman in a long time.
Yeah, WIGU has turned into, "Jeff has a short attention span". Not that it isn't funny and fun to read, and I like the mini-story format, but I don't think a single one of these mini-stories has actualy come to any resolution yet...
Welcome back, man!
Uh... did you see my dog there? o.o
I thought battles with other-worldly dieties or creatures had to involve a fiddle of some kind?
I'm pleased to see that, upon returning to your corporeal form, the first thing you did was touch your crotch.
You lied, Jeff... you said you didn't like dropping the 'f' bomb in your cartoons. In this strip every other line you say has a swear in it. I realise most people don't care, but this is the first time I found OC offensive and NOT funny. Sure, sometimes I found it offensive AND funny, but this one wasn't funny. I dunno, maybe it has something to do with the fact that you're 'winning' against God...
Anyway, glad to have this 'death' story arc over. It was getting stale. You kind of jumped the shark with all of this storyline stuff.
well i hear the next story is going to involve jeff winning against sharks too.
Is it on purpose that in Wigu the card that says "THERAPIST" looks like "THE RAPIST?"
You toyed with our hearts Jeff... that wasn't funny.
Grow up, ya prudes!
I just want to know... If Jeff keeps coming back from the dead like this, does that mean he is still a kind of zombie?
"The Rapist" is a reference to the famous Celebrity Jeopardy SNL sketches with the fake Sean Connery mis-reading the categories. "The Penis Mightier", etc. It's teh funny.
Complaining complaining
People said the Superman comics were "racist"
I tried to make the death thing such an obvious hoax, yet some people actually believed it. I put clues everywhere.
People complain that Wigu is not like Wigu anymore and then when I make it like Wigu they complain even more.
When a character wins a duel with death, he says crazy things when you do something like that. I am not going to explain every punchline. He says "I fucking won" because he went through an incredible ordeal to end up lying naked on the floor at midnight on the day after he's supposed to die.
If you have legitmate complaints about quality, I'll hear them. But complaints about the direction or humor are going to be largely ignored.
This is the last punchline I explain.
In addition, for $500 a week I'll draw WHATEVER YOU WANT TO SEE. Just tell me what you want to see and I'll draw it! You won't even have to really look at it if you don't want to becaues it's YOUR OWN PERSONAL COMIC that makes you happy.
Yay Hubble. Yay Jeff. YAY JOANNA.
Yeah I'm sorry what I mean to say is
Thank you to everyone who says nice things! And to people who say negative constructive things!
I've been focusing on the negative too much, it's been a bad couple of days.
I'm with that spankypants person all the way. I love Overcompensating. When someone does a comic (two, in fact) every day, you can't expect every single one to be OMFGAMAZING. That's just the nature of a daily comic. But the majority of them make me laugh my ass off, and that's really better than most do. Keep up the good work, Jeff.
Yeah, I guess dying can really take it out of a dude. Nah, yer cool. And I'm drinking beer at work.
At first I thought that Jeff was just funny, but now he's a totally indispensible part of my daily joy. I am so buying that Teenage Psycopath now (finally)!
J.Ro - good to see you back, and BTW thanx and a tip of the imaginary hat for saving the world. Not enough people save the world these days, IMHO. Remember, OC is also a reality show here in Butter Dimension Quad. We never miss it. If Blaze had been cheesed off at you, would you have gone to the same Hell that Sheriff Pony and Topato experienced?
OMG someone else love Sufjan Stevens!!!!!!!!
Oh, Jeff, draw whatever you want. Holy crap, it's not like we're even paying to read this. This is your blog. Who are you catering to? Hopefully not a bunch of shitheads who don't like what you do. They can start their own dumbass blogs.
Long time reader, first time poster.
Overcompensating is the bomb. It quickly bubbled up to near the top of my web comics list (right under Questionable Content).
And I loved the death storyline. It was obviously not true (*coughnaivereaderscough*) but was realistic enough (esp. the obit!) that it just made us wonder a little.
Ignore the pointless negativity above. And drop all the F-bombs you want. And you can have God calling himself Tinky Winky for all I (and most of us) care.
Aww, Upset!Jeffrey Rowland almost makes me as upset as the prospect of Dead!Jeffrey Rowland. Thank you for generally being awesome!
I can't believe people were complaining about the God thing? And the Superman comics were Fucktacular. Dickbrains like that don't deserve you, Jeff, please don't let them stop you from doing your comics the way you want to.
Also I was one of the dumbasses who had trouble discerning whether you were dead or not. I blame Bob and that God damn fake obituary.
No mortal could ever "win" over god...however I don't think even god remembers why he made cats...or how, for that matter...they're a mysterious being, they are. Here to remind us that we need to take care of them when it's convenient for teenagers. God bless cats. <3
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