Getting On

Hello everybody! There is Weedmaster P's second comic! I think this one is a lot better because it didn't instantly make me want to reach for a pistol, point it in any old direction and pull the trigger until it goes click (I love you Big Lebowski!).
Things are still really weird around here. Last night Weedmaster P was really mad because he found out Dr. Dre only had an honorary doctorate. Joanna has been SINGING (she is singing now) but when you go into the room she stops and just stares blankly at one spot on the wall. I feel like there are demonds about. Weedmaster P says he sees shapes but I think it is just the Machine Elves. Andrew WK doesn't even feel like partying (imagine that!).
As per Jeffrey's wishes, a large catapult is being constructed on top of the hill and his body is currently frozen and being made to smell of strawberries. A local newspaper has written a nice, short obituary for Jeffrey. Do you know how hard it is to find contractors who can build an accurate scale model of a 15th century catapult? It is very hard indeed.
It feels like things are different now. Everywhere I go people are frowning, and babies are crying. The crippled lady that holds the $5.00 pizza sign in front of Little Caesar's Pizza was crying. The sun came up almost an hour late this morning, but I see no mention of it on any news reports or chat shows. I am certain my clocks are correct (I collect clocks!).
Until tomorrow, try to enjoy the day! I will be sure to update if anything significant happens.
keep em comming p, by the way dre aint so bad that he isnt a doc, he told you to smoke weed, so thats all good
poor joanna....
Is Joanna's singing any better than jeff's?
With Wigu continuing to update, it seems that Jeff is determined to use his faked death to branch out in new, creative ways. Fine by me; the idea of him writing as 'Baby' is a little creepy, but that character could stand to be fleshed out anyway.
My only question is, how long will this go on?
This is somewhat better. If you're going to steal art, steal from the old masters. You should wait until dark, douse J.Ro with brandy, and light him up before you fire the catapult.
Is Joanna singing the song that men sing in the shower when they aren't playing with themselves?
What song is that?
It's okay, Boggler--President Reagan didn't know, either. (I believe Tom Brokaw asked him that same question).
Dan Rather, rather.
Big Red Sports/Imports.
I-35... NORMAN!
It's okay, WEED, I would be checking her out too - I'm doing it right now! Can't look away!
If you look carefully you can see the word "gullible" in the lower left hand corner... :P
Stop pretending you're dead, Jeff!
I thought everyone had been exiled from OC land when I found the comments button missing this mourning. Oops, did I do that on purpose? Am I really that clever?
Getting to Oklahoma is tricky
I think I saw Jeff Rowland's ghost at a concert last night. Ooooh, SPOOKY.
I think I saw Jeff Rowland's ghost at a concert last night. Ooooh, SPOOKY.
the death of jeffrey
takes the comic to higher
spheres and realms, joanna.
too many syllables in that last line there :P
Man this faking your death thing is trippy as fuck.
Does Joanna sing a song like that little Mogwai creature in the Gremlins movies?
Gizmo! That's his name...
Since when is a community messageboard that anyone can post to without moderation "a local newspaper"?
Jeffrey IS Joanna.
I might have believed the obituary except for they mention a 'Lake Hefner'. That's kind of funny.
This wouldn't have happened if Jeff hadn't beaned that catcoon.
I would love to have a stuffed catcoon, or a little catcoon made from Sculpy. He'd be neat to put on the top of my monitor, next to the bottle of Ibuprofen and my toothbrush.
anyone take a peak at the calander?
-anarchist sewing circle?
-free vegan mac & no cheese?
...though it is awefully elaborate...
logan, only "classical" haikus have the five-seven-five restriction, but of course there are soo many exceptions to the rule, not to mention English syllables aren't the the same as Japanese onji.
Lake Hefner is for reals.
Gee, this is just so elaborate. I'm seventy percent sure that it's a joke but, man is it ever crazy!
I always thought I was pretty good at confusing the masses, but this takes the cake. Jeffrey Rowland, you are the wind beneath my wings.
"Had I not known
that I was dead
I would have mourned
my loss of my life."
-Ota Dokan, 1432-1486,
I hope he's alive, so I can give him shit about the unbelievable tastelessness of his new comic.
The newspaper is yet more confirmation that our beloved Jeff Roland has passed on. He's riding the Pope's Elephant now.
The newspaper story is yet more confirmation about Jeff's passing.
He's riding the Pope's elephant now...
emily, he may or may not be dead but he most definitely is being a big jerk either way.
D: I got hit 3 times by my girlfriend today while I was debating if Jeff really did bite the big'd suck if he did....but if he really is dead, someone video tape him being shot out of that catapault!
Baby is, like, the smokin'-est cartoon chick ever drawn.
I wish my city had an Anarchist Sewing Circle.
He is too dead he just left a week or two of Wigu for us ahead, like every other damn webcomic artist worth a crap. You moron.
Baby has some ass.
You are all idiots, you know that? For shit's sake, Jeff ain't really dead, its a fucking web comic, a web comic written by a teenage billionaire psychopath. He doesn't expect people to believe he's dead any more than he expects people to believe he found a singing drunken cat in hell. Now quit whining, you must admit this shit is way funnier than the normal comics. Look at today's comic, that bastard's back, right on cue.
and tv wrestling aint real.. for fucks sake shut up
Someone doesn't believe in suspension of disbelief.
Heaven has inter net cafes?
I bet Hell doesn't have those...
::starts to reevaluate his life::
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