Dying is Sad

Hi everybody. Things are kind of different around here now, everything just feels so wrong and empty. Weedmaster P has been making comics to put up in Jeffrey's place but honestly they frighten me quite a lot and generally make me feel very uneasy.
I have noticed Weedmaster P has been smoking a lot more, and staring at his hands. He says we should raise the price on Jeffrey's merchandise because things are more vaulable when you're dead and all that but that feels wrong. Needless to say Weedmaster P was up pretty late trying to learn how to use HTML.
Joanna is walking now but she just walks into the front door and tries to walk through it. We pick her up and set her back on the piano but she just keeps trying to walk through the front door, I guess she wants to go after Jeffrey.
I'll let you guys know more when we know more and things begin to stabilise. Jeffrey's will-reading was this morning and it was extremely complicated. At one point the lawyer got kind of embarassed and refused to keep reading it. He said he was going to the bathroom but right after that we heard his car engine rev up and peel out of the parking lot all fast and furious like. We don't know how such a corpulent man could have squeezed himself out the tiny bathroom window, but I guess fear makes many things possible.
It's 11:57am now, and it's time to figure out what giraffes eat.
PS: Weedmaster P worked on this comic for about seven hours so be nice, okay?
The only flaw in this expertly-weaved story is the fact that the new wigu appeared today, although I suppose it could be claimed that it was drawn pre-mortem.
Jeffrey worked on Wigu a week or so in advance. It updates automatically and I am not sure how to change it. This website he always updated manually and showed us how before he died.
The new Wigu is a setup for Jeff's quadruple resurrection. (I'm voting for the Jeff of Steel).
Madre de dios! I will miss Senor Rowland, as I am greatly indebted to his kindness.
Yeah, yeah. And "Paul is dead". This is all just a cheap trick so you can read the outpouring of affection that follows your fake death. Don't we compliment you enough on the blog normally?
Yeah he's either tryna make his merchandise worth more...or he's on the run from the law! WE MUST SAVE JEFF! THE PLAN:ok, what we need to do is organise a mass disco to distract every 1, i mean it a worldwide disco as lame as possible until the heat's off jeff! *dances*
You people are disgusting sycophants. As Leo said he's only doing this fake death bullshit because he likes to see the outpouring of grief, even if you don't actually believe he's dead. Also to make money more off OC merch which always increases when folks die. Jeff is using the image of ODB to make more money
It's okay, WP, I can't use HTML either.
Celebrity appears to be the same in every medium - movie stars cannot lead a normal life, musicians are marred by mobs, even Jeff has to contend with hoards of people who "love" him and consider him "cool" and "cannot live without" him, even though they do not know the real Jeff. My sympathies, Jeffrey. No wonder you died.
Um. Chill out guys? It's not to exploit us for more money, nor a bid for sympathy and grief... It's a joke. Jeff makes jokes and posts them for us.
I am laughing my goddamn ass off.
tha only prob iz that they didn' say tha law-talkin-guyz name wuz l. hutz--jRo how cum u gotta steel tha simpsunz jokez? u too good fo' that.
Poor baby... all alone with no love... I'll have to pick her up on the rebound...
Baby, how long does etiquett say Weedmaster P has to wait before he tries to sleep with you?
Baby, giraffes eat carrots. I know this because when I go to the Big "A" fair, the people who run the petting zoo sell me $1 bags of carrots to feed to the giraffes, and the giraffes are my friends.
If you have any more questions about the care of giraffes, I would be most happy to answer them.
Jon, you are right! I am also laughing my ass off. ps-give me my name back. you all need to calm down, here have a Klonipin. There, now don't you feel better? Also-I am to buy a shirt. a shirt with weed on it. or pot.
Weedmister Pee is teh sux comic meakr.
Weedmaster P is such a sweet friend, learning how to do HTML so quickly, and Baby is the best for doing a news post. I hope my friends are this good to me after I die! (Not counting on it) -- jessie
dont tell me you two are getting it on already?
Word. Dying is mad sad. I just hope that this krypton story has a chance to play out before Jeff gets back from his latest trip to being dead.
In times like this, the only thing we can do is have a bake sale in the hopes that community fund raising will restore some kind of normality to our lives. Then we can take that money and hire a medium, who will make contact with Jeff. Once achieved, he can instruct us to draw and write out the storylines he never got the chance to. Not that Weedmaster P isn't doing a cracking job at the moment, but its unfair for him to take all the burden
Hey, everybody's very first webcomic is usually pretty bad. Weedmaster P will develop slowly, and eventually deliver us comic gold. Comic gold that is wrought from the mind of a drug-crazed fool, mind you, but gold none the less.
Hahah, is that Lord Rex Fear?
Is that Lord Rex Fear?
This is so sad... I keep hoping that it's just some joke, like Mitch's death, but I dunno anymore...
-Zeric Dawnseer
Well... Like I had hoped Mitch's death was a hoax... But no...
how did jeff die?
How DIDN'T he die? I'll tell you how he didn't die, like a punk ass bitch...those aren't even bullet holes in him, he was beating death so bad that death was like "CRAP!" and then exploded and while Jeff was just about to throw a huge steak right on the ground, the bones went straight through his back. You don't see them because Jeff's so hardcore he just laughed, pulled them out, and ate them. He then obviously went skydiving without a parachute and without patching up his back and crashed straight through earth to hell so he can wreck up on Satan. WHY DO YOU ALL NOT SEE THIS!?!?
See, if Jeff died it's beacuse he went to the Land of Death and came back. Death doesn't want humans to know what the Land of the Dead is like, so he had to kill Jeff to preserve the secret!
Maybe...she doesn't seem boney enough, but, Joanna? Maybe she is Death's Cat!
Death, knows where to find ye...& if you have got his cat...
Being Death's cat might be enough to make you drink.
Turn me on, dead man. Turn me on, dead man. Turn me on, dead man.
Jeff is dead man. Miss him, MISS HIM.
Jeff, this isn't funny. Just stop.
WHY!! WHY!! Why do bad things happen to good people. And when I say good people I am of course referring to me, not Jeff.
That last frame is somewhat difficult to look at.
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Musical Interlude.....
Give me your zombie love
Give me your zombie love
Give it to me now
My neighbours say that I'm strange
My neighbours say I'm a weirdo
But my baby come 'round 'bout midnight
And there's a tapping at my window
And her eyes are black and her face is white
Baby's been underground
My baby's been underground
My baby's been down under the ground
And now she give me zombie love
Oh give me give me zombie love
Zombie zombie zombie zombie love (x4)
Give it to me now
Have you seen my baby raise her sleepy head?
Have you seen my baby, she's rising
Oh she's rising from the dead
Give me your zombie love
Oh I don't care about those long-range microphones and the camera
Give me your zombie love
I don't care about the next door neighbour's German shepard dog
I'll be your dog
I'll be your dog
Oh I'll be your dog
Oh now baby, baby, I'll be your dog
I said "heel!"
Zombie zombie zombie zombie love (x4)
~Jazz Butcher: Zombie Love
just when you think it can't go down hill anymore, a landslide occurs right beneath you. and people become even weepier bitches.
Jeff had three days in Hell to fight the devil or something.
I don't believe in Hell so I dunno.
Best of Luck W33dmaster P
I get that it's a joke, but as far as jokes go, it's spectacularly unfunny. Not because of any anxiety over whether Jeffrey is dead or not, but because it simply has NO POINT, and no direction.
Also, I love me some pictures of drippy fat men.
...And Jeff had to die in order for you to see those pictures. It's not pointless! He had your best interests at heart.
hmmm... i hope this doesn't mean that overcompensating is ending. that would be sad because i read it every day. although now it's become sort of a fixation, so maybe it would be good in a way... no, i think it would be bad. I still think rowland can write the OC as a zombie... but i guess he has to do what he wants, not what the fans want.
The big city would eat you folks ALIVE.
Ten bucks says that Joanna is responsible for his return to life. Another ten bucks says Jeff is off on vacation right now.
HELENA with brown hair in the second to last panel (UGH)
BOB as he used to be in the last panel (AGIN, UGH)
why are you making us remember the nasty? the NASTy!
where are the 'ressurect jeff' t-shirts at topatoco, avaialable for a limited time only, while jeff is still dead?
Man, this "Anonymous" guy really has alot of time on his hands.
I just thought I'd share this:
It's for real, people.
no man with a zoidberg tattoo can die, they are pretty much immortal or something
Oh hell yeah, the Norman Events News. No doubt the Chief Editor himself went down and examined Jeff's body personally before tossing the paragraph some guy sent him up on the page there.
Weedmaster P? More like WeedGAYster P. Dude, you seriously need to put like 14 hours of work in next time.
Please, open the door and let Joanna go! He's made the journey from the Land of the Dead back to the Land of the Living before. Maybe he's trying to repay poor dead Jeffrey's favor.
Maybe he's trying to drive drunk in a double-dash cart so he can come to Jeff's rescue, or maybe in the Land of the Dead he learned the secret location of a Magical Tome of immeasurable power.
Who knows, maybe he's even run out of booze.
Mr Norman Events gives us clues! Someone get down to the Lake Hefner Trails for the 27th's "disposal of remains" (those who have faith understand the meaning) and witness Jeff's triumphant return - or at least find out how his vacant body was retrieved by a zomboid cat from sulphuric hell pits.
I think its funny how he still manages to make us buy his merch with clever imbedded links inside the text...
Don't feed the reaper.
J.Ro is spinning in his no-doubt shallow grave at this very moment after the publication of that comic. It may be a new low point in the deterioration of online webcomix.
Yes, yes, he's dead. He just, uh, keeps posting strips to Wigu. From beeeeyooooooond the graaaaaaaaaave.
Hey Weedmaster, great comic. Much better than that Jeff dude. Keep it up.
there's really nothin like fat men in the mornin.
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