We Got a Meeting

So apparently I'm going to be part of a "Snakes on a Plane" roundtable discussion (not an open panel, just a small gathering) with Samuel L. Jackson, David Ellis (director), and Jules Sylvester (the snake handler) on Friday morning at Comic-Con. I am aware that I'm basically a dirty shill for a giant movie company at this point, but I do think it's rad that New Line is having fun with all this. And as you all know, I like to do things that are fun, even if they are at 10:30 in the gorram morning.
Here is story in the Edmonton Journal about cybercomixz!

We got motherfuckin' discussions!
Aw man, I'll only be in San Diego for Saturday! Can you give me a "Shout Out?"
Jesus fucking Christ. You win, Jeff. You win huge.
know that we all enjoy the wigu, and you, as our slave, must draw more. insert laughter.
Don't worry about the mid-morning timing of the panel discussion. Just sneak a sample of the Poopmonster's private stash of caffeine-delivery products beforehand.
J.Ro - this, of course, is awesome. Here are the parameters: if you are a shill for a giant movie company, then so is Samuel L. Jackson, and I don't think he is considered a shill. Especially in a closed panel. I suspect the DVD release of SOAP will include a t-shirt coupon or iron-on, or maybe a poster. Or maybe they all just want your autograph. The handler also suggests photo ops so wear a cool shirt.
The question is - when will we have Wigu : The Movie starring J. Ro and Samuel L. Jackson as the voice of ghost Hugo.
(Reviewed by Todd Babiak of the Edmonton Journal - # of stars : 5.5 out of 5)
holy crappers!
ok, you realize you need to have someone film this thing at the con and post it on youtube, or google video or something so we can all enjoy it and gasp at the wonder. that is really really awesome.
but seriously, filim it.
Would it possible to plant the seeds of war between comic booths if I supplied nerf guns ?
It is being recorded by New Line.
Walter, make it Oozinators and it's on.
edmonton journal! no way. I used to read that when I was living in Canada.
good luck with the thing.
"Walter, make it Oozinators and it's on."
I've got about 9 nerf guns in my arsenal since I started about 13 days ago. One is like a tommy gun (motor powered, trigger advance, no cocking) two like shotguns (cocks while loading shells/darts, double barreled, and the shells eject out when you open it to reload) one like a revolver (6 round revolving magazine, spring action) one like a revolver but with 8 ( more natural cocking, though) and a pistol.
If someone can film the terrible oozination, I will so show up with one or two.
I hate to point this out (well... I don't really HATE to), but 10:30 in the morning San Diego time is actually 7:30 your time.
So it's only fair for New Line to provide bagels -- BAGELS FLOWN IN FROM NYC!
Have a great time!
From this comment stream we have learned that Jeffrey will be on a panel with Samuel L. Jackson when the sun rises in the west.
It was incredibly exciting to open my newspaper on Saturday and see a huge Topato staring back at me.
"Time actually goes the other way when you go from East to West. Sooo 10:30am would be like 1:30pm Eastern time."
Maybe in some NORMAL universe, but not in the Comic Galaxy.
In comics, everything's CRAZY!
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