The Fancy Times

You know, there's something about a nice suit that makes people take you a little more seriously, even when you shouldn't. Sometimes a suit is the only thing that separates powerful people from the common, ordinary street lunatic.
For example, if a man wearing five coats and a shoe on his head came up to you and said "God told me to invade Iraq" you would get scared and yell for help. But if someone in a suit says "God told me to invade Iraq," people apparently take them seriously. Remember that? Ah, the good old days.

Ha-ha, the good old days. Before the world went crazy loco insane. Remember the 90's? such an innocent time it seems...
“The 90’s were strange times. In the midst of the .com bubble the firing of Lamborghinis from custom cannons was the day to day of the every-man rather than the exclusive province of choice celebrities. People were generally depressed, but no one could really say why. Titanic was an allright movie.
Then things started to happen very quickly.”
-Excerpts from a history book, taken from the far future.-
But man, what fun it would have been to be a fly on the wall during those conversations.
“George? George who are you talking to?”
“Quiet Laura! It’s God! Wait lemme get a pen... ok... Iraq... gotcha... Palestine... Ok, cool. Got it.”
“I love you too God. You’re my best friend.”
I always wear a three piece suit. It makes things a whole lot more dignified, and people offer you all kindsa stuff.
The worst thing in the world is religion. Spirituality is Fine, but religion just messes everything up.
That's funny. I remember God saying, Love your neighbour, turn the other cheek, if someone asks you for your cloak give them your cloak and your shirt as well. God doesn't usually say, "Kill Civilians including mothers and babies for oil and money."
But maybe I'm just crazy from eating too much pineapple.
Hmm. I think it's the buttons on the undershirt. People see that you can correctly button yourself, so they immediately have a piece of info that the shoe wearing man lacks; the suit wearer can button...
I wonder if suits were created to serve as a deterrent for confrontation between people in authority. This way you can, say, quote God and get away with it.
Because when two suited men confront one another there is a moment where they wonder: "I see he can button his shirt, but are my own buttons buttoned? Do I dare confront this man lest he reveal my secret shame?"
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