
21 August 2006

Snakes DVD Special

Here is the rough version of the special comic I am doing for New Line (the color version will run on the Snakes on a Plane DVD bonus features). The actual Hollywood wrapup OC extravaganza (featuring The White Raspberry and the Skid Row Yacht Club [feat. Joel Schumacher]) will run later tonight, and after that I will never mention Snakes on a Plane ever again (except for when the DVD comes out, and even then only if I don't come off as a complete turd on it).


Blogger Roman said...

I'm sure Hollywood is pleased with your work.

Now they'll option "Wigu" and get that fat kid from "The Cat in the Hat" to play the role of Wigu.

21/8/06 14:18  
Blogger I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

Um... sadly enough, if Wigu became a live action movie, I would go to the theater just so that Mr. Rowland would get a larger royalty check.

21/8/06 15:07  
Blogger I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

Snakes aren't slimy.

21/8/06 16:18  
Blogger Patches said...

And I hated feeding my Rosy Boa mice...

Roman, Wigu would be played by Dakota Fanning in a 'husky boy' suit.

21/8/06 16:25  
Blogger Cos said...

I say NAY to Dakota Fanning. NAY!

I can't believe just how cool things are! Jeff Rowland now reaching a bigger audience than ever! This is a good day, people.

21/8/06 16:54  
Blogger Tlachtga said...

Nice Deep Blue Sea reference, but where's the Cosby sweater?

21/8/06 19:14  
Blogger TehAngryMonkey said...

codycod... wasn't the scene where the snake eats the penis good enough? That movie was pimp...I love tasers

21/8/06 20:56  
Blogger John Emerson Fitzgerald said...

Does anyone else think that a younger Hulk Hogan would have made a perfect Quincy?

21/8/06 21:12  

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