Questionable Compensating

I had to truncate this comic on account of the size of it, but click it if you wanna see all the Questionable Content pixels! Jeph stayed so OC canon that he even used the most Xtreme lens flare Photoshop has to offer. Lens Flare Quattro, Education Version.
Snakes on a Plane. A ruthless movie with utter disdain for its most adorable characters. I believe there was a point where there was about 10 solid minutes of people screaming as they were tossed violently about the bucking fuselage with snakes dangling wildly from every available, protroding appendage. Samuel Jackson tasers snakes in the face like he's doing his taxes. It's disgusting and shallow and loud and corny. In other words, A++++++ WOULD BUY AGAIN.
I will post a full report on Monday. Don't cry, dry your eyes.
First comment? That's crazy.
I'm not sure your review was all that complementary. I will see it anyway, for novelty's sake.
Less of this! What about the premiere! You have seedy celebrity stories to tell!
Snakes On A Plane equals kind of the best thing EVAR.
I expect to see some red carpet photographs, J-Ro. What did you end up wearin'?
And I'm glad that SoaP did not disappoint! Because that would be tragic.
Jeph I read QC every day but this strip just kicked into a new kind of awesome. Great job.
Snakes On A Plane is the best thing ever. Snakes, plane, Mister Jackson.
I can die happy now.
OC plus QC equals AWESOME-SEE.
I think I know where Jeff is.
When do we get to stop pretending to be excited about a sub-par B-movie starring an over-exposed has-been?
I went to SOAP at the Metreon in San Francisco, opening night. The theatre was sold out (I bought my tickets on Wednesday) and the corridors were packed with people of all genders, nationalities, and social scenes, many of whom were high fiving strangers and chanting "snakes on a plane! I'm tired of these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane!" Durning the movie, the clink of flasks full of hard alchohol was barely audible above the boos, hisses (lots of hisses), cheers of the entire audience. Everyone especially loved the gratuitous titties.
Man, our sneak preview (Thursday at 10) had three theatres, although none of them were full (Roanoke is not *that* internet-happy of a town) but the theatre they had me in was the one full of noisy geeks, so we were all cheering and booing and calling back as if it were a Rocky Horror showing.
It was gory, gratuitous, and surprisingly involving. I was really sad and happy about particular characters. So yeah. Excellent. I'm buying it fourteen times.
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I like review I saw in the Guardian "...there comes a time in every critic’s life when they must accept that not every plane crisis film is a terrorism metaphor..."
Jeff, man, you have given me the greatest gift of all. The gift of realizing, while sitting through the credits of a movie, that I am inadvertantly wearing the same t-shirt as a movie star is, up on the screen, and then telling my drunken friends all about it, as we watch in awe.
And no one can ever take that away from me. Unless, maybe, they wipe my memory with some kind of device.
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