
24 August 2006

Patriotic Songs

A couple of weeks ago I was at an intersection waiting for the light to change and there were some white people hanging around the intersection trying to get you to vote for them for some public office. They had lawn chairs at the intersection and the fabric parts were American Flag print.

Now I ain't some flag-waving mouth breather who gets in the Living section of the paper for trying to marry an American Flag, but I think sitting your ass on the flag is a might disrespectful. So as the light turned green I yelled "respect Old Glory!" out the window, took a swig of whiskey, and continued on my way to the Church of Satan.


Blogger Nermy said...

If this album dropped for real I would buy it.

24/8/06 12:53  
Blogger Roman said...

They taught us all about flag etiquette in the Boy Scouts. There are so many things that people do with the American flag that are not in the Boy Scout Handbook, it's actually kinda funny.

24/8/06 13:31  
Blogger jeffrey rowland said...

How you are supposed to treat the American Flag

24/8/06 13:37  
Blogger Jehu Campos said...

Ah, yes, the american way of live. Self Righteousness and Obesity for all.

24/8/06 15:58  
Blogger I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

No, the metric system is not evil... it's French. I think the "Freedom system" has a nice ring to it, don't you?

24/8/06 15:59  
Blogger jeffrey rowland said...

I've always enjoyed that flag burning is categorized with "flag desecration" which means that technically if you got booked for flag burning then they would really need to prosecute every single person who bought an Old Navy Flag Shirt in order to be fair.

24/8/06 17:00  
Blogger Proteus said...

I always thought it was funny that whenever you see folks hanging their flags vertically, they always put the blue spot in the upper-left hand corner. However, when hanging the flag vertically, you are supposed to take it as if hanging it horizontal, and then rotate it 90 degrees clockwise. To if you unrotate their flags, they're hanging upside-down...the symbol for distress or surrender! It was so awful seeing everyone on my campus doing that immediately after 9/11...

24/8/06 22:11  

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