T-Shirts on the Interweb

It's true that the Interwub t-shirt market is ridiculously saturated. Fortunately for TopatoCo (and the rest of Dumbrella for that matter) the vast majority of "designers" are pathetic, untalented rip-off artists (exhibit A) whose formula for making a good t-shirt design is "Take Something Will Ferrell Says And Put It In Cooper Black." And yes, I am aware of how silly this all is.
Anyway we've got three new designs and to celebrate we're doing free shipping until September 1 so hop on that deal.
In other news, Scott McCloud and his lovely family are about to go on a nationwide tour in a minivan, which is probably the most insane thing that's ever been done.

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I know that there only has to be a minor number of changes to make it a different product, but certainly, you can argue that people will be confused by the other shirt, and not understand that the money they are spending on that shirt does not go to Topatoco.
Or you could use Myspace, and your web-pages, to encourage an all-out boycott of the web page until they apologize and give you all proceeds from that shirt. Unfortunately, I think most of your readers are already defacto boycotting that store, because of taste issues.
Oh, and you could edit their wiki.
Y'know I'd hope you could do something like, I dunno, Sue them? But alas no, Don't. Just bide your time, and in the end, steal your shirt design back. Jeffrey Rowland releases a new shirt "Its On AGAIN".
Puh-leeeze this is nothing to sue someone over, that is ridiculous.
I just want to call them out.
You're right. You shouldn't sue them. You should try to call a dark god to eat their souls.
Less red tape and fewer lawyers that way.
My other car has MY head in it.
Wait, I see a key difference: yours has a uncorn battling a werewolf, whereas theirs apparently has a unicorn battling Jar Jar Binks.
Don't fight douchebaggery with douchebaggery y'all. They pulled the design from their main page, maybe everthing is gonna be ok now.
I desire the Dr. Monkey shirt. Please make it. Just thought I'd mention that.
Dr Monkey shirt is part of the next wave coming at the end of September.
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