
22 August 2006

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

So that's that! Muchos graciases to The White Raspberry and the Skid Row Yacht Club, New Line Pictures, Brian of Snakes on a Blog, Matt and Naomi at Nelvana, Kazu and Amy, Eleanor who we ran into at Gallery Nucleus, and all the Hollywood crazers and screaming, belligerent LA weirdos who made this trip so weird and wonderful. Yay!

Now I can get back to sweet, sweet making stuff up recounting actual true things that happen to me.


Blogger I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

Yay. Now you can return to a sense of normalcy! Unless you want to spend the rest of your life surrounded by people that more than likely only like you for your talent rather than for your overall personal worth.

Wait, sorry, that was cynicism. Yay Hollywood! The place wehre dreams are made!

22/8/06 02:55  
Blogger Tom Meade said...

So apparently lying about having a fantastically interesting life has generated
(an oversimplification, I know) a fantastically interesting life.

This is kind of neat in a "I should stop reading my Literature course handbook so literally" kind of way.

22/8/06 04:17  
Blogger Cos said...

Oh my. I would give my right - if not both - teste to have your life. That comic was one of the best I have ever seen, ever.

Glad you had a great time! You are so cool.

22/8/06 08:15  
Blogger Matt said...


I just wanted to say that this comic has some of the best artwork I've seen you draw. That second to last panel, with you in the plane is really really good.

This of course coming from a guy who has trouble drawing stick figures.

22/8/06 10:46  
Blogger RumorsDaily said...

It was nice to meet you... uh... again.

22/8/06 12:47  
Blogger Jon said...

Boss, fly free/forever (pick one)

22/8/06 14:13  

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