Joe Francis is a Piece of Crap

To be fair, it's honestly hard to tell who's more detestable -- Joe Francis or the girls who are dumb and drunk enough to make "Girls Gone Wild" the enormous success that it is.
Anyway, people shouldn't be allowed to act like this, it doesn't matter if they actually get to hang out with Paris Hilton.
This is actually about the 5th version of this comic which is why it took so long to update. Gotta start simplifyin' a bit.

Yes, yes he is.
Better watch out. He'll sue you. He has lawyers and such, and seems the type.
What a fucking arsebag.
Also, go RSTEVENS! Poop Power!
Oh... I don't know your finances, mister Rowland, but if they are well enough to absorb a frivolous lawsuit, I so very much want you to get sued, as malicious as that sounds.
I mean... he is a public figure, this is a site with a long precedent of parodying public figures...
It would be the most satisfying example of being laughed out of court since that angry O'Reilly guy sued that silly Franken man.
Your shirt mysteriously disappears! Was Joe Francis "copping a feel?"
what the injustice??? Jeffery Rowland is not mentioned even ONCE on the wikipedia entry for SoaP!!! This must be fixed!
actually, GGW wouldn't be a success if people didn't buy the videos, so the consumers are every bit as detestable. Just sayin'.
I'm pretty sure the LA Times article mentioned that the real guy who made the real "Joe Francis Naked and Weeping" (actually, he made the much more alliterative "Joe Francis Simulating Self-Sodomy") is now doing actual time in an actual prison, all thanks to the crime-busting efforts of one Paris Hilton.
Executive Summary: Joe Francis is a creep and so is his BFF Paris Hilton.
Now, wait a moment. I masturbate all the time. Not to GGW videos, 'cause they creep me out, but still. I don't think we should call masturbaters unkind names like "dirty".
"You can't... date rape your way out of this one, Joe Francis..."
Oh man.
any panel involving anybody strangling anybody else reminds me of hate song.
also, shivs.
furthermore, girls gone wild blows. if i wanted to see girls who are too dumb/drunk to fend for themselves i would just go to frat row... for free-ninety-nine.
"furthermore, girls gone wild blows. if i wanted to see girls who are too dumb/drunk to fend for themselves i would just go to frat row... for free-ninety-nine."
Would this free-ninety-nine party start at beer-thirty?
Also, did joe francis steal your shirt, JR, or did you take it off in an attempt to fight joe francis, or is it simply an allegory of how tops go flying when joe francis is around?
sometimes i feel like going to those ggw parties with an ak47 and doing some gene pool cleansing. It's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it.
I don't have any personal relationship with GGW, but I'll default to the reporters statements. It doesn't sound like the actual tapes/content is necessarily exploitative: the girl who says she was date raped is NOT complaining about the filming. She is complaining about Francis reportedly kicking out the camera and then having sex with her against her will.
Of course, that just commits me to not supporting him financially. I don't think you can say everyone who ever watches a GGW is evil though--maybe just not aware that their money is supporting a horrible person. Meanwhile, we all support oil & sweat shops no matter how careful we are with our purchases...
Poopmonster saves the day!
The idea of Rstevens strangling someone is very odd.
To me, GGW is more humor than porn. Drunk kids flashing and regretting at leisure is a hoot, with hooters. Amazing that it's so profitable. Will he sue you? Oh HELL no. His lawyers will advise him that you daren't fuck with cartoonists. A cartoonist will hurt you in ways that you'll never see coming, and you'll bleed out of places that can't be bandaged.
J.Ro - have you seen the new Judge OJ site? Offhand I'd say 'guilty' but then, ah, well, I'd say 'guilty' after some thought as well.
The patriarchy is totally the fault of slutty bitches. (/sarcasm)
GGW strikes me as un-sexy, but a symptom of the "15 minutes of fame" culture, not an actual problem in and of itself. After finally reading the article, I think we can safely say that Joe Francis is evil. And the horrible thing is, being evil doesn't look like very much fun. There's no one in that story I don't feel sorry for.
You guys are a bunch a sorry fucking haters. and probablly gay to. Go fuck yourselve. If any body on this gay fucking blog (except me) could be in his shoes you would jump in head first......say what you want but its true. Money,Girls, Jets, etc.....and him taking advantage of girls...uh they take there cloths off because they a dirty,trashy, dunk dumpster sluts. Not that I give a shit but I'm not going to jump on there side when they try and get 70million dollars from the guys because they are to lazy to earn it the honest way (by fucking a donkey live on their own personal webcab). What happened to entruprenuers and the american spirit. Every one wants "joe's" money when if they took the time to look around them, there is plenty of money out there for everyone willing to look for it. If what you are doing today was going to get you where you want to be, you'd already be there. Now get off your lazy ass and fuck that donkey!!!!
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