P's Hole

Probably not many of you have heard the tale of Mel's Hole. This guy called Mel Waters supposedly found a bottomless pit on his property, and he did a lot of scientific experiments on the hole such as dropping things down into it. The government gave him some money for the hole area after threatening to "find a drug lab on it," and Mel proceeded to blow the money on drugs. Mel is currently searching for a new bottomless hole.
This leads us to the Hollow Earth theories, one of which was invented by the famous Edmund Halley whose precios little comet you all love so much.
All of this all might be true; I can't be too sure because I'm too distracted by the GOP only wanting to raise the minimum wage if extremely wealthy people are allowed to become slightly richer.
Speaking of money and the distribution of it, the deadline for guaranteed August 17 delivery of Plane-snakes apparel has passed but if you pick one up before Monday and you're domestic you can maaaybe still get it in time.
Have an Xtreme weekend, I'll see you at the Kaiju Big Battel show. Also Coast to Coast's premium service is free this weekend. I would not know about Mel's Hole if it wasn't for Coast to Coast.

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Because I don't want to pack, I added you
fuckin-a right, wisconsin lawmakers. let's hear it for wisconsin (because of the beer and all).
which is not necessarily a bad thing, what with the super rich paying well over 50% of our taxes...
which is not necessarily a bad thing, what with the super rich paying well over 50% of our taxes...
I can't find the link right now but the last time minimum wage was raised was in 97 and since then has Congress has given themselves on average $35,000 more per year. A single mom with 2 kids working 40 hours a week 52 weeks a year is still gonna be $6,000 below the poverty line.
It just ain't fair that they'll only offer to raise minimum wage if they also give a tax cut to the wealthiest 7500 people -- that basically the wealthiest employers need an incentive to treat the people who've made them wealthy with a modicum of common decency.
which is not necessarily a bad thing, what with the super rich paying well over 50% of our taxes...
I can't find the link right now but the last time minimum wage was raised was in 97 and since then has Congress has given themselves on average $35,000 more per year. A single mom with 2 kids working 40 hours a week 52 weeks a year is still gonna be $6,000 below the poverty line.
It just ain't fair that they'll only offer to raise minimum wage if they also give a tax cut to the wealthiest 7500 people -- that basically the wealthiest employers need an incentive to treat the people who've made them wealthy with a modicum of common decency. It's pathetic.
round these parts we have a Mystery Hole:
the building could possibly be more interesting than the hole.
Greetings Jeff; love the comic. I would like to point out something about estate taxes, however. My father, uncles, and several uncles are all in the ranching industry in Texas. We are not "super-rich" by any means. As a matter of fact, we're what you'd probably call middle-class.
At any rate, one of the things ranchers need to survive is land on which to graze cattle, and lots of it, particularly in light of recent drought. Because ours is a family business, when one member of the family dies, his share of the land is taxed and the burden is placed on the remaining members. My grandfather died in 1976, and my dad and his brothers just recently finished paying off the taxes of a few hundred thousand dollars. My father makes about 15,000 dollars a year. He is a very hard working man, as are my uncles and cousins, and they are among those hit very hard by the estate tax, or as we call it, the death tax. Is it fair to have ranchers and other people in agriculture taxed on land that was already paid for or in the possession of the family?
Just thought I would bring that to the attention of you and your readers, keep up the great work!
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But the box says Star Trek...
damn i was gunna say that
<3 coast to coast
Yay! I'm not the only libertarian reader of mister Rowland!
Well, everyone, I hadn't ever commented on the boards of this comic before, but I was hoping that since my post contained no vitriol and angry accusations, that perhaps it would not be met with anger and hostility. I suppose thinking that a differing opinion is no reason for hatred is probably a shitty attitude and I profoundly apologize.
Also, Daniel, if you could repost that link, I would appreciate it. I was not able to make it work earlier, as my robot troll brain cannot process the intricacies of web-based communication. Thank you.
Valuedan, the answer to your question is that I am lying about neither. My family is in the ranching business, and we have most definitely been paying estate taxes on the holdings of my grandfather and great-uncle since they died.
The main asset that is taxed by the government is the land that the deceased owned, or what the government estimates to have been their share. It is absolutely true that my family has been paying estate taxes for decades, and the same thing will happen if anyone else in the partnership dies. Of all places, why would I choose an internet forum to lie about this? I'm just presenting a different side of things, hoping that some of you would listen to what I had to say.
Furthermore, have you ever looked at the financial records of a ranch? We're not exactly raking the cash, folks. If you think otherwise, I would recommend doing a little research into agriculture, an area in which some of you may be lacking.
For the record, I do consider my family middle class, and we work hard at being just that. My father is a rancher, my mother is a nurse. We're not poor by any means, but I'm not some rich kid trying to further a political agenda. I'm just a guy trying to help people to see other sides of the issue, not just attack someone for having a different stance.
By the way Daniel, I did copy and paste, but the web address that you posted was cut off in the display of the comments. I simply meant that I wanted you to re-post it in such a way that the entire URL would be displayed.
Thanks for your time everyone.
^ wall 'o text
"if the creatures live upside-down, wouldn't Jar-Jar float up from below?"
I drew those panels right-side up to make it less confusing, in actuality the panels are upside down.
Hey Jeffrey, is that Kinky Friedman on the Topato Co photo page?
It is indeed.
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