Selling The Image

Once again, we prove that it is possible to be too fancy.
Last night The Gynostryker showed me this website called At first it was incredibly sad. Then we dug a little deeper and it was creepy. A little more digging proved it downright terrifying. I'll leave you with that!
Also don't forget there are only about

everything that is not lame is a threat to hot topic.
Make a shirt of Weedmaster P taking a poop on calvin.
It is sad to see the fanciness go. You could have at least kept the cane. Oh well, sacrifice all in the name of commerce!
Jeffery, are you being a Nazi in the last panel?
All I'm seeing is teh sad, and it's very sad, but where do I find teh terrifying? I'm all a-quiver.
That's not a Nazi salute! That's an "Aw Yeah" both arms raised thing except he has a necrotic cat in the other arm.
I like P's Ming the Merciless getup.
It's a site that takes personal information, charges you for it, yet does not supply any sort of terms of service agreement.
i already commented but...the free shipping just made me buy a cowboy killer shirt.
so did the beer ive been drinking.
but mostly the free shipping.
Indeed, I think without a ToS, you have more rights.
I liked this "Lasae" idea a lot better when it was called "IRC,' and it sucked balls even then.
Did baby and weedmaster P BOTH get herpes?????? All because of a lack of fancyness?
Oh, wow, that's brilliant. So if they can't make a liveable income through giving advice, they can make an income through blackmail. Groovy.
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