
18 October 2006

Winston the Bald Lemur

Tallahassee's been teaching all of us about the dangers of food, and a lot of it makes sense, what with the way everything is. I'll be honest when I say that I will have a Mountain Dew about twice a month, but drinking diet soda almost seems ridiculous. If you are concerned about things such as weight, just don't drink soda at all. As I write this I am drinking (organic) beer so I realize my slight hypocrisy but the risks involved in that particular beverage are well-documented and widely known with no need for obfuscation.


Blogger Noa said...

I don't see the fuss in gaining weight with soda. Maybe it's just my young and wreckless ways, but I drink soda everyday and I don't see much poundage.

Also, I don't understand why anyone would put themselves through the hell that is diet soda. You have a point with that; just don't drink soda. It's not worth the sacrifice of the flavor.

Oh yeah, pink cat woo.

18/10/06 23:00  
Blogger jeffrey rowland said...

I have actually sketched a pinup image of Tallahassee based on a Paris pose for some reason. I will draw it and put it up!

18/10/06 23:09  
Blogger Noa said...

Wow, now I just feel like a douche. Excuse my lack of observance. It chould have gone like this:

"hairless lemur woo."

18/10/06 23:35  
Blogger Chris Shadoian Fossett said...

Is that a supposedly true thing about diet soda and Parkinson's? Is there any chance you or Tallahassee might toss a link out for a person who's got reason t'be interested?


19/10/06 00:20  
Blogger Zaratustra said...

You know beer is just as fattening as soda, right?

19/10/06 00:24  
Blogger Cos said...

I prefer the taste of Diet Coke to regular Coca Cola. I defend my right to probable brain damage.

19/10/06 05:28  
Blogger jeffrey rowland said...

You know beer is just as fattening as soda, right?

Yes but I didn't say it wasn't and I excercise. Part of that whole "hypocrisy" thing.

19/10/06 10:52  
Blogger Robin Ehrenberg said...

the real reason you shouldn't drink Diet soda isn't the fat, its the aspartame. When you drink diet sodas, the aspartame slowly becomes warmer, and as it reaches your internal temperature it becomes formaldehyde. I assume everyone here know what that is used for.

Anyway, formaldehyde+stomach=bowel obstruction


19/10/06 12:03  
Blogger paulsouthworth said...

Goddammit, Jeff, I brought a Diet Coke for lunch today. What am I supposed to drink now? Water?


19/10/06 13:07  
Blogger robin said...

heh, rob job, if aspertame leads to bowel obstruction, then i'd hate to see what happened if i ever stopped using the stuff.

however, i'm trying to wean off the colas due to the phosphates negatively affecting my bone density...i don't wanna be some fatass with a broken hip some day...

19/10/06 14:25  
Blogger paulsouthworth said...

I drank the Coke anyway.

19/10/06 14:44  
Blogger Fire Bitch said...

Choo Choo Bear changed his name to Winston?

19/10/06 15:07  
Blogger Mark said...

There is no conclusive evidence that aspartame is toxic.

19/10/06 15:10  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Owen S said...
"So, have you heard from Randy Milholland's lawyers yet?"

The pink cat^H^H^H bald lemur can get in line behind the dachshund and platypus. ;)

Jeff, does Tallahassee have some statistics frightening enough to convince my husband to stop drinking Diet Pepsi? I've been telling him this stuff for years, and it has yet to sink in. If not, can anyone recommend a good life insurance policy I can take out on him?

19/10/06 15:45  
Blogger bob said...

Isn't the real issue with soda (at least in the U.S.) that they make it with corn syrup? Sure, the empty calories of sugar water are bad, but the body can't metabolize corn syrup properly, thus increasing the risk of diabetes, even if you don't get fat. You have the bone density loss issue, too. Beer looks like a fabulous choice in comparison.

19/10/06 15:50  
Blogger Fire Bitch said...

Soda kills! This robot C3 drinks Coke until it dies from it.

20/10/06 12:36  
Blogger Caitlin said...

I say 'soft drink'. And diet anything is shite. My reason for not drinking much unhealthy stuff: I can't afford it. Water is free =P

31/10/06 01:38  

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