
So lately I have been thinking about my glands a lot and I started using organic deodorant because even though everybody says regular deodorant is safe to use it just... doesn't seem safe for some reason. Human beins is s'posed to stink to high heaven, it is the way of nature. I know some of you think this is paranoid but I'm the one who was once the focus of a federal investigation. Also I'd just rather take my chances with smelling kind of gross than dying any sooner than I have to.
I have updated the TopatoCo FAQs page to make it more entertaining and easy to understand without resorting to a series of monosyllabic grunts and swears. That's what I spent several hours on today. That and preparing for the impending War on Yankees Pitchers.
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I don't use normal anti-perspirant either, because it uses aluminum and that causes Alzheimer's.
The More You Know!
Damn Jeffrey, you do not disappoint.
Subject of a federal investigation? Pot farm, right?
Jeffy, normally it would seem insulting to suggest a person gets their ideas from becoming intoxicated, that their only muse is green and herb shaped.
I guess it is not the case with you, but every now and then, I see a comic in your wigu archives or an OC and just think "mmm, want!".
Scary and sexy at once: construction worker orgy/.
Nothing arouses me like birthday cake.
I was using Tom's of Maine for a little bit but I just got one of those thai stick crack rock things and it seems to be doing the trick!
I tried that organic deoderant and the smell was nausiating... but maybe that was the point.
vampires bleed?
I think someone would have to be intensely high to think using deodorant would give you Alzheimer's. The amount of aluminum you ingest from eating a single antacid dose (Maalox, for example) is, oh, a hojillion times more then any you could possibly absorb through your skin.
Oh, and that's setting aside the fact that aluminum exposure = Alzheimer's doesn't have any scientific evidence to it whatsoever, just supposition.
The ultimate cause of the disease is unknown, so please don't smell bad on purpose. Please. Pretty please.
Dogg your natural funk musk is what gets em all hot and bothered anyway.
Who says it's vampire blood?
Thank God for for Jason injecting a little sanity re:aluminum.
Although...most baking powders contain aluminum so maybe you should fear birthday cake after all.
DEODORANT=nice smells until your BO overcomes and destroys it.
I gave up anti-perspirant after I encountered what I thought were painful litte cancer niblets in my pits, but I've found regular non-organic of the highly processed "high endurance" variety works just fine.
The Last copy of Maxim I read.
You dudes using those little rocks are still using aluminum. It's just one big crystal of Aluminum salts.
Anything that says "anti-perspirant" is going to have aluminum in it.
Stick with "deodorants", natural or otherwise. Apply as needed
Of course, regular bathing and an appropriate diet doesn't hurt either.
don't be so pedantic...
indeed, most of what we do is take care of stuff. how we deal with taking care of stuff and the kinds of things we're willing to do to other people, that is what makes us who we are.
yeah, i'm not much of a fan of antipersperants either. aluminum or non.
The stick has potassium alum, which is aluminum but it is not aluminum chloride which is found in most anti-perspirants. It's like comparing oxygen to dioxin.
Also, having recently investigated the purchase of one at my local Vitamin Shoppe (pppeheype), they cost maybe $6, and last about forever.
Okay as far as actual smell control, as far as I can tell. Heavy sweating-folks may need to look elsewhere, but you're probably using cornstarch (q.v. the famous "I've been dusting my 'nads for years" poster ) already.
As the Buddha has written, your mileage may vary.
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