Tamiflu Haze

Look, I'm as against having the flu as anybody is, but do we really want kids running around at 3am with a glow-stick in one hand and a packet of Tamiflu in the other? Yeah, we do. We most definitely do.
I'm removing the black and royal blue options from the Catbank shirts at the end of the week. Tomorrow -- Tallahassee's Book Squad reviews Rebecca Kraatz's House of Sugar.
Teamocil would just make you want to work with your flu more.
Tamiflu cant compare to ambien, that stuff had me running around my neighborhood at 12 at night at top speed, screaming in terror due to the fact that I was convinced that there was danger in the trees
"More than 100 recent cases of delirium, hallucinations and other unusual psychiatric behavior have been reported in Japanese patients."
I think that quote speaks for itself.
Ha! Does Baby have W.P. on a child leash? That's fantastic
Ok, so this Tamiflu thing. Thats what the US are stockpiling for "In Case of Bird Flu"
Am I the only one who thinks that handing out a drug that makes you hallucinate and go crazy if theres a nationwide epidemic is a bad fucking idea?
Rebecca Kraatz is a cool artist, who will perhaps be best remembered by me for the cover she did for Halifax music hero Joel Plaskett. It's funny tho, because I never realized those comics in the Coast (our local free-paper) was by her!
- Eddie
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