My Own Prison

When the feeling you're feeling can be described by the title of a Creed album, you've got problems. Maybe I've got S.O.-S.A.D. Or maybe I'm just a giant doucehbag. At least I use proper capitalization and punctuation most of the time.
hmm... the only creed album I know the name of is 'Human Clay'. Im even ashamed I know that.
I understand your sadness, I really do. Its very hard to accept that human beings are horrid..It makes me feel better to pretend that Im from another planet.
I'm trying to think of a way to restore your faith in humanity. This might take a while.
life's a bitch and then you die.
You bring funny to the lives of many monkeys.
Best you can do is be good at what you do, and you do that all the time.
Chin up Jeffrey Rowland.
Would that album be Just Keep Dancing?
I feel like any other intelligent form of life in the universe accidentally killed themselves.
I mean, look at us. We're smart enough to kill ourselves but too stupid to get it right. That's. Um. Something, right?
You misspelled Douchebag
Just thought I'd point that out.
On behalf of Douche-Bags everywhere I would like to say that we prefer the term "Bag-of-Douche." It's more PC that way.
Magnificent Douchebag! I like the sound of that. I smell t-shirt.
Um, Jeffrey, I want you to know that not only do I find you funny and entertaining, but your opinions are generally well-reasoned and insightful, which is unusual in humanity in general. Also, I totally appreciate your correct use of capitalization.
I hope you don't have the Glandular Fever, Mr. Rowland. I had it. It gets into your glands and makes them SAD.
that's my favorite achewood strip so far; thank you for making it your link for seasonal affective.
Thank you for your capitalization and punctuation. My world is ugly without it.
You, sir, with your interweb comic read by many, have a great influence on the people of the world. Perhaps someday, because of you, somebody else will begin to capitalize their 'I's in e-mails and instant messages.
hang in there buckaroo
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