The Other White Meat

Holy gosh, how did it get to be Thanksgiving already> For those who don't know, I am half-Cherokee and from rural Oklahoma and therefore consider Thanksgiving to be mostly insulting. I'm thankful for stuff everyday, I don't need a whitewashed version of The American Holocaust and a ritual sacrifice to remind me to be grateful. I'm grateful everytime I look in the mirror and realize I am basically symmetrical.
Thank you all for your kind emails links and all about the return of Wigu! Something tells me everything is gonna be o-tay.
Some people don't even have to be symmetrical to be thankful. Pretty much any day you are alive is a good excuse.
I have recently taken to stealing Support Our Troops magnets from people's cars.
It somehow makes me feel that all is right with the world.
do you have to be half thankful and half angry
or do you just pick one each year
Don't you know that sticking a yellow ribbon to your Hummer will help win the war? arent planning on eating that heart, are you? if so, let us know how it tastes. I suspect it tastes like victory.
By a strange coincidence, Doonesbury did something similar.
Wow, that's the darkest OC ever, perhaps, but I'd do the same thing to anyone driving a gas-guzzling refridgerator on wheels.
Also, yes, I've long been awaiting the return of Wigu since it first stopped on the internets. I am thankful for it's return. I'm guessing the end of the missile crisis is going to be left a cliff hanger for quite a while?
Darkest OC ever? I thought it's quite fun.
If it was a heart we'd all know it takes like courage, sweet tasty courage.
Well, it's a good thing that the modern tradition of Thanksgiving was instituted by Abraham Lincoln and not the Pilgrims. It was, in part, to bolster morale in the Union. The Confederates took it as an insult and refused to celebrate the holiday for many years after the war.
So, rejoice, people can now put down their hatchets and take up their Civil War replica uniforms and rifles.
(Fun side fact: Franklin Delano Roosevelt almost destroyed Thanksgiving in 1939.)
I'm thankful for your Jeffery, everyday I read your HI-larious comics. it's true. regardless of my below stated's true damn it!
a tiny tear rolls down her cheek)
i'll have you know, i was extremely offended by todays comic.
stabbing a man with an emlem of an atoll on his shirt is not funny. atolls are harmless, beautiful islands surrounded by coral, and have never hurt anyone.
except when they are volcanoes.
wigu is my favorite comic. it is awesome that you are doing it again.
I guess you are right, it is a scalp. I didnt really look at it. Plus, the lack of hair threw me off.
Im sure you could still eat a scalp. But it wouldnt be as delicious as a heart.
I'm British, and it always surprises me, that whilst we're all a bit ashamed of a colonial past, all the exploiting of people, natural resources and the such, the USA seems to celebrate its genocide.
I guess, because it you accepted it was wrong; you'd all have to leave.
because it you accepted it was wrong; you'd all have to leave.
And you'd better thank your lucky stars for it, too--where do you think we'd have to go back to?
Yes, all was idyllic in mesoamerican culture and history, aside from the genocide, cannibalism, and myriad other terrible things.
Look, every last one of us is descended from jerks.
The trick is to break the cycle of jerkiness. Graphically illustrating the fantasy of scalping a man just because he drives a Hummer and lives in a bigger house than you is, quite frankly, being a jerk.
I don't support the war, but I do support the troops, because it wasn't really their choice to get flown over to some shitty place and get killed. You know what I mean?
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I'm something of an egalitarian, so I pretty much think all of y'all suck and have no right to be here, and that includes myself. America is basically evil if you think about it.
I also wonder if Jeffrey, who I love like the brother I'll never meet, is not just a tetch too cynical to be attempting Wigu again. Not that I want to see him stop, ever. But still, Goth Dachshund man.
Fire Monkey Bob -- that's everyone's sentiment.
Zee -- we're talking about a comic that started with a play about cockfighting and then running over racist horses.
your drawin's got a lot better since wigu discontinued. The new wigu strip confirms it, and so does this one: lookit that squinting feather-capped you up there; that's an awesome drawin'! that the UN symbol on his polo shirt?
I believe Scalping was actually invented by white guys.. Long before they colonized America. The Injuns got the idea from bounty hunters who collected blood money for each Native American scalp they presented to the Authorities.
Thanksgiving is the most awkward of holidays. I live in Osaka, so it's always a treat when a Japanese person asks me how we celebrate Thanksgiving, or what Thanksgiving is all about. When I explain to them that Thanksgiving is something like this Something Positive strip I get the most awkward, "I don't know how to react to that" faces. I just wish they would stop asking me to do happy pilgrim and "indian" themed lessons... or making posters. I got in a lot of trouble one year for making correct posters for Thanksgiving. Apparently a teacher didn't feel that that was appropriate for junior high school kids. Well. You get what you ask for.
I have a support our troops magnet. I bought it when I was on a road trip through Arizona (my first red state) because it said "made in China" and never specified who's troops we are supposed to support.
The Canadian ones suck though, they have English, French, and a little flag.
I'm half native as well (Cree) and thought this comic was hilarious. Luckily I only had to celebrate one thanksgiving in the states and didn't notice the holiday since I'm use to the canadian time.
below is a link to an awesome photo of me showing that even as pale as I am, I've still got native genetics.
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