Jim Inhofe is a Piece of Crap

Everyone in this particular Overcompensating comic has a good point and is right. So why argue? One thing that bothers me though is my former senator Jim Inhofe, who is the Chairman on the Committe on Environment and Public Works. He thinks global warming is a hoax. And even if it is a hoax, what possible reason could you have to be against cutting back on air pollution. For succinctness's sake, I won't go into his opinions about gay people; it's well-documented.
December 2nd is my brother Danny's birthday! He is five years younger than me. You should add him to your added him to your Myspace friends for his birthday, it would be funny if he suddenly had hundreds of friend requests. Earlier I went running down at the wilderness preserve! It was really great. Okay bye!
If you were to kill all 6 billion of us at once, the legality of the thing would hardly matter, since all the judges and prospective juries would be very much not alive.
But boy would there be a lot of corpses.
I recently watched Al Gore's movie, and it really did scare me. It has further confirmed my suspicion that the world will erupt in utter chaos within my lifetime.
I think killing off a some billions would be the only way to prevent that.
Does Weed Master P listen to Busta Rhymes now?
Jeffrey, I am mad fucked up. I was going to tell you your comics suddenly make more sense, but really, they are pretty much the same.
I still ordered 2 doctor monkey shirts, tho, (2 go with my free trade and sharing) so don't be sad.
Jeffrey!!! December 2nd is also my birthday! It's also my best friends birhtday! It's also Britney Spears birthday!
Ah well, one rotten egg doesn't spoil the bunch!
Are you saying it's impossible for a person to have a sibling 16 years younger than themselves? What if Jeffrey's parents got married and had him right when they were 18, then had another kid when they were 34. It does happen. My aunt and uncle have 5 kids, the two oldest are 24 and um, let's say 20, and the younger three are like, 8, 6, and 5.
"If your brother is 5 years younger than you, then you are 32. Mashley is 16 years younger than you. How is that possible?"
His parents had sex roughly 16 years after he was born? Is... is that too simple of an answer?
Panel one alone could have been a whole comic.
yeah Jeff, you'z like hella old!
Every time I go into a store that sells band merchandise I look for a FLIPMODE t-shirt. Busta Rhymes was selling them back when E.L.E. came out but I think they all vanished.
"Jeffrey is 32, which surprised me."
No one is more surprised at that than I am.
If 6 billion were killed, I'm pretty sure just about every last person who posts these would be dead as well... So probably not a good thing to do.. Though a very happy thing for the criminally insane to think about..
America is pretty insanely fat, and it is pretty disgusting, but then I found out about Scotland and how they basically make us look like the thinner, prettier little sister and it changed my life.
Pretty sure their population of their gradeschools alone is enough to make the Earth wibble-wobble.
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