Forget It

I don't know about where you live, but around here it seems like a lot of cars have way too many bumper stickers on them. It's like, back in Oklahoma, people had too many bumper stickers that were about Football and how the government is trying to take away their guns. But here in Massachusetts, there seems to be too many bumper stickers about how Bush is generally disagreeable and ones that encourage others to tolerate the lifestyles of Lesbian Wiccans. Also there are bumper stickers that are opposed to advertising, which kind of causes me to make a noise that is simultaneously a guffaw and a sob... a guffob if you will.
Also they're extremely distracting.
Today is the last day to get original artwork! All pieces will ship this weekend.
When I drive, my eyes are only on Jesus.
He's really kind of a shitty co-pilot.
I hope that this isn't implying that you plan to forget about Dumbledore. Or Jon Benet...she plagues my thoughts constantly. You also forgot the NHL strike, they made bumper stickers for that.
Out here, Seattle, people put duct tape on their bumpers and write in sharpie, "I support stuff".
Regarding the "guffob," when I tried to express the sound, thinking it sounded familiar, I realised that I make that noise, every day.
I teach critical thinking, and i read the news.
I'm surprised You don't make the noise more often.
A car in front of me today on King Street had several bumper stickers, only one of which I managed to read as I tore past:
I'm not sure I even get it -- Is the car meant to be a dragon? Do dragons park the car? Park ON the car? Regardless, I'd think someone that into dragons would be a bit more generous with their damned gas-foot.
Oh crap, I just forgot 9/11.
Is that the McDonald's in Northeast Oklahoma?
Don't forget about the mudflaps with Yosemite Sam in Confederate Grey yelling "Surrender? Hell!" Those go great with the Calvin Peeing on Osama decal's.
If I forget 911, what will I do if a robber comes to my house? Who will I call? Of course I'll never forget 911.
Has anyone out there actually forgotten Nine Eleven? Amnesiacs, maybe? People with advanced Alzheimer's?
Ok, now I want an "animals are little people in fur coats" bumper sticker. That is the creepiest thing I have ever heard.
Jeffrey, I only have one sticker on the back of my car and it reads "I AM MADE OF POISON."
Muad'Dib, I like your style.
Also I have been to places that aren't Northampton (Such as Leeds and Springfield and even New York City) and there are cars with too many bumper stickers EVERYWHERE.
Cudos for the mention of the Molasses disaster.
Yeah... Massachusetts and New England in general is like that...
But it's all okay when you see the bumper sticker that's just a giant penis
Why, did something happen on the 9th of November?
you get 8 million points for mentioning the molasses disaster. i was thinking of that while making punkin pie the other day... i guess as long as i love pie i will never forget
1. Kudos for the great glass McDonald's. Many a school trip to "somewhere up North" was at least partially spent there. Tulsa representin'.
2. Be glad you are in that one state and not back in Oklahoma, because everything is covered in like a thousand layers of black ice. And you know how them Southerners drive.
Remember the Maine!
I'm pretty much sick of anything that goes on/near the bumper of a car... Including other cars.
Why would you forget 911? Isnt that your emergancy services number? Handy thing to remember I would have thought.
Oh hey I know that place in the background. The biggest McDonalds in the midwest or some shit. Goes over the interstate. Gross!
Man, I am surprised that that McDonalds is not a national landmark in your country. It is like a testament to the American spirit. large, ugly, and full of grease.
That McDonald's is about 30 miles from where I grew up.
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