
19 November 2006

God, Destroyer of Worlds

I always wondered if the Biblical Apocalypse is supposed to just affect Earth or the entire Universe. The whole Revelations End Scenario seems to be extremely Earth-centric. It seems to me that if the entire universe were to come to a clean, theological end, then some photon-based, intelligent, peace-loving critter a million light-years away might be affected, and I don't know about you, but I don't want that at all!

The good news is, that old MTV show The State is being released on iTunes [youtube, nsfw]! I am very happy about this, as The State seriously comes up about once a week in my world.

We are so close to the new site going live, I can barely stand it. Just a few more hours.


Blogger Matt Ramone said...

I've always wanted to open a Gary Busey-themed bar. The one drink I thought up was the "False Enemies Appearing Real," which is a double shot of Golden Grain that's lit on fire and thrown at your head, glass and all.

19/11/06 22:31  
Blogger jeffrey rowland said...

izuk, you just have to keep believing.

20/11/06 00:23  
Blogger Chris said...

Ah, there's the Jesus we all know and love! Also, I wish I was photon-based. Stupid carbon.

20/11/06 00:41  
Blogger Unknown said...

There is a bar in Denver called Bar Bar. I'd ask them to add the drinks to the end, but since someone got stabbed in the bathroom we don't go there much

20/11/06 02:21  
Blogger Nedaj said...

I think that idea for a bar is very clever and good. however it would have to be changed after the first week on account of everyone beiknng so god damned sick of jar jar.

20/11/06 03:17  
Blogger robin said...

hey enlite, dontcha know that the best ideas always come when you're on the toilet? you clearly don't spend enough time there.

jeffrey, thanks for making my week with that State announcement. maybe now, i can escape from this minimum security prison...

20/11/06 10:06  
Blogger Jay Stark said...

To respond to your post Jeffrey, yes, the apocalypse is supposed to affect everything everywhere. The new testament's greek word "kosmos" is often translated as "world" but really kosmos pretty much means ... cosmos. As for where Armageddon happens, I think that's supposed to be an actual place in or near Israel.

20/11/06 10:37  
Blogger Nsixqatsi said...

Please, please, please, make Legalize Crime a real shirt.

I will buy 5 shirts from you.

20/11/06 12:52  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your angry God reminds me a lot of the boss of that t-shirt company. Or am I just engaging in unfair racial profiling, and if so, which one of them should be more insulted?

20/11/06 12:52  
Blogger Captain Princess said...

That place is "Megiddo" in northern Israel. "Armageddon" means "hill(s) of Megiddo".

It was a very important hill.

20/11/06 14:36  
Blogger natasha said...

THE STATE! YES!!!!!!!!!!

20/11/06 15:53  
Blogger IT IS ALLY said...

I want Weedmaster P's shirt more than I have ever wanted anything else in my life. EVER.

20/11/06 19:11  
Blogger Juan Frugal said...

Am I the only one who would like an INRI shirt? It's just deliciously wrong.

20/11/06 21:58  
Blogger Dave said...

Please, please, please sell me a T-shirt that says "legalize crime" I will give you funds in your choice of currency if you will only allow me to outfit my body with fabric that makes the aforemntioned statement.
That is a fact.

21/11/06 19:39  
Blogger jeffrey rowland said...

"Legalize Crime" isn't an original enough concept for me to release.

22/11/06 09:06  

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