Have you ever tried to cook? It is the most impossible thing in the world. I tried to cook an omelette the other day and when I was finished I was too scared to eat it. I like to go to the store and buy things to eat that I know are safe.
Off to "rock the vote."
Voting is hot.
did you know mashed potatoes can actually burn? and i don't mean get dark or anything, those bad boys flame up pretty hardcore.
that's why i hate cooking. because i like my hair being not burnt.
Did you know if you put a stick of butter in the microwave for more than seven minutes it lights into blue flame? It's fascinating.
-Reba ((http://www.xanga.com/spock_is_hot))
P.S. Marshmellows burn faster.
My cooking life-lesson: Cassarole dishes go in the oven. They are not very good at stovetop cooking. They explode scalloped potatoes all over the place if you try.
today i told the electoral college system to go fuck itself; plus i totally fucked up the get-off-the-internet-and-vote contest
Cooking is an art form which can bring great satisfaction. Always start with wine, some wine in you, some in the food. (Alchohol kills germs)
have you ever tried boiling water and ended up burning the pot? how the hell did the pot burn?? its ment to be used on a stove! :/
Speaking of boiling water... I once had a see thru pot with a teflon-coated bottom. I filled it with water, put the burner on high, and promptly forgot all about it and went to college for 4 hours. :)
When I got back, the air around the stove was kind of wierd, like thick/bad tasting, the burner was an ANGRY shade of red, the water was gone, and the teflon was also mysteriously missing! I never would have thought teflon could evaporate. Incidently, the pot was stuck to the burner, but came off with some tugging. ;) Funny story, but all told I'm lucky the apartment didn't burn down or something.
This is truly funny. I really like your pages.
Cooking is difficult? Please do not attempt to design bridges or tall buildings.
u REALLY think the food u find in stores is safe?...well...it's not!
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