Free Ride, Seaside

I make comics on the internet so it should be assumed I have a poor self-image and low self-confidence. I also have an overwhelming desire to "keep it real," to stay the way I am and reject the lures of "selling out." But despite all that here I am, about to go to the Hollywood World Premiere of Snakes on a Plane and do interviews with the DVD crew at a fancy hotel (I signed papers that permits myself and my comics to appear on the DVD bonus features of the movie). Weird how it all turned out.
I know deep down this isn't gonna change anything and when I get back Sunday life will be regular again and I'll go back to being the same dude you know who runs around a mansion half naked and hangs out with a drug addict and a hysterical bimbo. But it's kind of a big thing for me deep down, a boy from Locust Grove, Oklahoma somehow endin' up in this spot. If it does change a little, it'll change for the best. And for me, the best is being able to make more and better comics for you all!
So anyway, thanks everybody for being with me through all this -- the friends I have and have had, the people who emailed and posted, and the majority whose silent presences emanate from all points in between. I know a lot of you have been reading my comics since way back in the "When I Grow Up" days and extra thanks to y'all. Up to this point it's been a life I consider exceptionally less ordinary, and I expect it to get a lot weirder. I hope you continue to hang around!
Guest comics will be running here Thursday and Friday from some surprise interwub artists. Nas ne dogonyat!

Man, J.Ro, I hope you have the most rockin' time in Hollywood! They will not laugh at you, they will bow at your feet. I cannot wait to see your red carpet pictures!
You better say interesting things to the DVD people because I will have to ship it all the way to Italy.
Small town folk everywhere (and I include myself in this) aspire to reach your level of AWESOME.
Knock 'em dead!
I am sure Locust Grove is an absolutely beautiful place. However... I have to be honest here, the name is a little weird.
Uh, Locust eat... well, everything. They are a biblical plague. Do you know the story behind the name? Because it ranks right up there with Hell, Michigan.
Which is another lovely place, by the way.
I was watching samuel l. on the daily show as i read the comic. SoaP is everywhere, man!
Is this what you wanted to be when you grew up?
You write two of my favorite comics. You are awesome, and that's all I have to say about that.
You're an inspiration to us all, Jeff, and an important lesson to the kiddies that great things can happen if you stay in school^H^H^H^H^H^H comics!
As they say in teh Hollywood, get out there and break some legs.
Congrats, man! This is big stuff!
Also: I think you might have accidentally added an "r" to the end of "you" in the third panel.
Feel the love! Distilled essense of comments = Jeffrey Rowling is awesome. Your fans are not wrong.
Even though we've never met, I live vicariously through you. This is more exciting than the time my third cousin stepped on Phyllis Diller's toe at the DMV.
*wets pants* Oh man, I'm so excited for you. I'm a Louisiana girl, so seeing someone from the silly South rise up to Hollyweird is great!
Oh man... too excited to speak. I've been reading you for whiles and whiles now, and I'm still here (and buying the DVD especially for you!)
I'm incredibly thrilled to you. If anyone deserves it, it is your fine self.
Rock out with your cock out!
Or words to that effect.
Love you, boyo.
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GO JEFF GO! Three cheers, represent the common folk.
We will so sincerely miss you. Give Paris Hilton a kiss from me.
Jeffery jeffery jeffery, Sam jackson wears your t-shirts! you have allready been excepted by the badass of hollywood, no one will laugh at you and if they do they'll have to answer to mace windu
Show hollywood who's boss
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