
15 August 2006

They're All Gonna Laugh At Me

Sometimes I forget that I used to be a hillbilly, a sort of simple person who is from the hills. We didn't have flat area in the hills, only hills -- simple, simple hills. And simplicity. Seems like it all changed when I first jacked into the datascape, the infodrome, this confounded intrawub. I stopped being a hillbilly and became a cyberbilly. When I get angry enough my clothes still explode and I experience a sudden, involuntary growth of facial hair; the only difference is that now it happens in front of a computer screen instead of outside a stumbled-upon meth lab.

I wrote a big old check to the IRS today. I hope they do something good with it. From the looks of things (}, they need it a lot more than I do.


Blogger Matthew said...

So, I guess you're not going to do an official appearance at a comic book store of some sort? Oh well, GIVE 'EM HELL J.RO!

15/8/06 02:23  
Blogger Nobody Too said...

Wear a tall hat like a druid in the old days, wear a tall hat and a tatooed gown, ride a white swan like the people of the Beltane, wear your hair long, babe. you can't go wrong.

15/8/06 04:18  
Blogger lostcabbie said...

You don't look beautiful Jeffrey, you look hot.

What? You were all thinking it.

15/8/06 05:10  
Blogger Roman said...

Jeffrey, you will be fine in Hollywood, because everyone there is just pretending to be sophisticated but is really only interested in having their pictures taken over and over again.

15/8/06 11:06  
Blogger Kirsten P. said...

Make sure you find out whether Paris Hilton is in fact going, and what she is wearing, so you don't both show up in just boxers. Awkward.

15/8/06 16:14  
Blogger End If Kris said...

haha, Dont worry Jeffery Rowland you will do fine in your apperance in front of those celberitys. Remember, Once you hit the carpet your are't a Cyberbilly and more your a celbrabilly. I still stand by yesterdays sugestion of SoaP T-shirt Blazer and Jeans BTW. Your so awsome you do not NEED a fancy necktie with a diamond pin in it. The evidence is right there. Your body regected it like a baaaad liver. Good Luck.

15/8/06 16:47  
Blogger Alan Nguyen (阮阿蘭) said...

What's fashionable right now is a suit jacket over a t-shirt. (Usually a ratty, tattered white t-shirt, but one of your own SnoP t-shirts would be great.)

So let me chime in with all the people who already suggested that.

However, for some individuality, I think you should just skip the pants and wear boxers instead.

Don't you wish you had Topatoco boxers now?

15/8/06 18:39  
Blogger Blatherard Osmo said...

Jeffery you messed up, you ehn't supposed to wear your pants when you go in the shower!

18/8/06 10:18  
Blogger Jonn Wood said...

I have no idea why the last panel made me laugh. Maybye because it's so poignant.

24/8/06 00:35  

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