
10 August 2006

Weedmaster P Dreams of Trebek

Sometimes I wonder what it's like to be Alex Trebek, a man who has had the same job for over twenty years. Then I wonder what it's like to be a country music star like Toby Keith, a man whose despicable ignorance plumbs the depths of human imagination yet is adored by millions.

As a response to recent events, The Englishman and I have decided to temporarily abandon our feud in the interest of starting a new country music duo. We haven't decided on much yet except the title of the first album -- Impossible to be Responsible. The Englishman's new book is finally available for purchase!

Additionally, TopatoCo shipping has taken over distribution for Mac Hall and is in talks with Monsignor Joey Comeau for distribution! It is a good day to be the President of TopatoCo.

Here is a close-up picture of the sharpest thing ever made and a site that think the know where Atlantis is. So many links! We put they "hyper" in "hyperlink."


Blogger Nik Coughlin said...

Shouldn't mess with Methuselah Jeffrey.

According to Wikipedia:

Keith had promised himself to have a recording contract by the time he was 2000 years old

Says so right here:

10/8/06 19:15  
Blogger Dave said...

Hahaha... BOOBS! How many times did i write that on a calculator in math class?

10/8/06 21:04  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ok Freebird isn't that awesome. Get yoself some Satriani stuff. Freebird is like stairway to heaven, OLD NEWS.

Gah, I can't stand that song anymore. Freebird and Stairway are at the top of my "Required songs to hate as a guitarist that doesn't play rock music" list. I dig on both artists (zep is one of my favorite bands), but when you go to a music store to take lessons and those two songs are ALL YOU HEAR, you want to kill yourself...or everyone else.

10/8/06 22:11  
Blogger Brendan said...

That's a duet, dude.

10/8/06 22:44  
Blogger I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

I just hope Alex didn't get shot. I have an appreciation for Alex.

10/8/06 22:54  
Blogger Kyle said...

Country music is for everyone. Just look at

10/8/06 22:59  
Blogger tetujin said...

$58008 is the awesomest, most bouncy number EVAR. that really made me laugh, thanks.

11/8/06 15:07  
Blogger JP said...

The Devil's Rejects made Freebird beautiful again.

16/8/06 00:59  

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