Oh No

I know I'm not the only person who has this problem. Could it be that knowing too much information is extremely bad for you? Could it be that constantly talking about all the details about the horrible things that happen thousands of miles away is not actually an endearing characteristic? What was I talking about?
I am selling original comic artwork until November 30! It feels special to own something.
Oh no!
I own magazine clippings. This makes me feel special.
My attention span became immensley shortened at one point, then i took up a course in 3d art, design and animation... Now if only i could sleep at night.
i feel like that all the time. damn graduate degree! got me nuthin but troubles!
Information overload!
It's the fault of the internets!
What, you've never heard about the startling conspiricy-lead degenerative mental condition of our time? The Information Disease!
From Subgenius.com:
Feeling like there's just no SLACK?
You may have 'snapped' already from the information disease! ("The sleep of reason begets monsters.") Look to the High Unpredictables of the Church of the SubGenius for pancultural deprogramming and resynchronization!
Gugger Fane said... Anyways, there is a party I am having that you two are invited to.
I am sorry there are already plans! But thank you. Also, I get a lot of email and a lot slips through the cracks.
Wasn't there a poem in this post earlier? What happened to it? I thought it was cool.
Actually, fetuses have a very long attention span. They hardly ever get bored of anything. I don't know about zygotes though...
You're telling me. I keep on wondering whether my brain'll just shut off one day out of overuse. So naturally, I try and use it as little as possible!
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